FWD: 90+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy

Penn Ralston-Berg, an instructional designer for the World Campus, just forwarded this blog post titled, “90+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy,” that lists a bunch of videos. It looks like a great collection of videos for classroom purposes.Warning: I…

Penn Ralston-Berg, an instructional designer for the World Campus, just forwarded this blog post titled, “90+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy,” that lists a bunch of videos. It looks like a great collection of videos for classroom purposes.

Warning: I have noticed that at least one video, that is linked from this post, has probably been illegally uploaded to YouTube: Super Size Me (#94 on the list). I know that we cannot encourage the use of copyrighted materials with out permission in our courses. Just because someone else (may have) broken the law doesn’t mean that we can benefit from that “opportunity.” Please use these resources carefully and contact an expert before taking on that liability.