ANGEL 7.4 Assessments losing images

When converting a 7.3 quiz to a 7.4 assessment, you will lose any images that were added to any of your questions – except if you save those resources to your own, personal ANGEL space (limited to 10 MB).7.4 assessments…

When converting a 7.3 quiz to a 7.4 assessment, you will lose any images that were added to any of your questions – except if you save those resources to your own, personal ANGEL space (limited to 10 MB).

7.4 assessments create virtual directories serialize specifically for each question for associated resources, like images. You cannot access those virtual directories by any traditional means from within ANGEL as a course editor.

In order to move a picture from a 7.3 quiz to a 7.4 assessment you must:

  1. download all of your images from your quiz
  2. save all of the metadata (image properties, alt tags, links, etc.)
  3. browse to the specific assessment question and re-upload each image and restore it’s properties one-by-one

Kate and I think this might be because of how 7.4 assessments handle the question bank. Questions are now “free to move” between assessments and therefore need individual, serialized, virtual directories to maintain question integrity no matter where the question might appear.