Ask Angela:
- The instructor is Heather McCune-Bruhn (hcm1).
- Do you mean ART H 111 “Ancient to Medieval Art”? Yes
- The schedule mentions 60+6 seats open, is the course really that large? No. The “60” refers to a resident instruction course. This course is open to a max of 24 students: 12 from CE@UP and 12 from Lewistown. Angela has “6” listed because she doesn’t want the UP-side to fill up entirely.
- Has she taught for CE@UP before? Is she an adjunct or a faculty at one of our Academic Partners? Heather has not taught for CE@UP before, but has teaching experience with teaching courses at Arts & Architecture. She has an MA and PhD in Art History.
- Could you get us a copy of Heather’s syllabus and/or detailed course outline? As of 3/3 the instructor was still working on her syllabus.
- Is she all set with her materials and content? What is the development state of the course? I’m asking because the situation that she has a course designed for F2F delivery ready-to-go, is a different situation than if she’s still designing the syllabus or activities. She may have good contacts and resources from her connections to A&A, but I will verify. Hopefully she doesn’t have to re-create the wheel.
- Would she need assistance digitizing content for use in her course?
- You mentioned “2nd six week session,” does that mean this course is a blended learning, accelerated, videoconference delivered course? The course runs TR 6-9:30 PM, 7/1-8/10 in 119 OB. The instructor is concerned about 3.5 hour long lectures.
- I’ll be a little facetious… is she a “game show host?” What I mean by that is, is she comfortable in front of a camera, is she able to work well “live,” and is she able to engage a remote audience? Angela says she’s comfortable in-front of a camera. Angela will be training her in the new 119 when the remodel is finished in May. Alice has been notified and will apparently assist with the orientation. There is also John here at UP and others at Lewistown that provide operational support evenings and on the weekend 🙂
- Will Heather be expected to run the equipment on her own? See above… no she won’t.
- If the course is blended, does that mean her course is using ANGEL as well?
- What is her familiarity with ANGEL (if she is using it)?
- Would she be relying on any other technology to deliver her course? Angela doesn’t know, she doesn’t think so.
- Do you know if she’s worked with an instructional designer before?
Updated 3/11/10
- Heather is already using welcome letters to orient students to the course and set expectations
- the textbook has 12 chapters that will be covered in 12 class meetings; she averages 6 lectures/chapter
- Student-generated presentations of museums and other venues -> based on online resources
- she uses essay exams and papers w/ bonus points available
- Google Earth to map locations of art pieces
- “unknown slide” activity – apply skills on new content in an open forum, builds confidence and exercises higher order skills