MT4 and Google Analytics

Been talking with Mike Brooks about using GAnalytics in our ePortfolios here. I’m definitely getting data on individual blog entries as well as on my “static” pages.Disclaimer: I’m very new to GAnalytics and I might very do more damage than…

Been talking with Mike Brooks about using GAnalytics in our ePortfolios here. I’m definitely getting data on individual blog entries as well as on my “static” pages.

Disclaimer: I’m very new to GAnalytics and I might very do more damage than good. Things seem to be working for me, but proceed with some caution.

UPDATE: Mike just found a potentially better way to implement your code:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Enter your ePortfolio blog if you have more than one blog
  3. Design menu
  4. Templates menu item
  5. Select the Footer template module
  6. Paste your code before the “</body>” tag
  7. Save your changes and that’s it (we hope)!

Based on work I did in an earlier entry (3/16/10)
Adding the code into the static pages was easy enough:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Enter your ePortfolio blog if you have more than one blog
  3. Manage tab
  4. Pages menu item
  5. Select the page you want to track
  6. Switch viewing modes to edit HTML
  7. Paste your Analytics script at the bottom of the page (example of my code-do not use this code in your blog!)
  8. Click on Save

Adding the code so that I could track individual entries was a little trickier:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Enter your ePortfolio blog if you have more than one blog
  3. Design menu
  4. Templates menu item
  5. Click on the link for the template “Blog Index”
  6. Paste your code before the line “<$mt:Include module=”Footer”$>”
  7. Click on Save

I’m starting to get some data, but I’ll probably need some help interpreting all of the charts and graphs from GAnalytics 🙁

2 thoughts on “MT4 and Google Analytics”

  1. thanks for the reassurance Brad… I’m still so new to GAnalytics that I’m not sure some of the things we’re going will even work 🙂

  2. yup, just adding the code to the footer template (don’t forget to republish your whole blog afterward) will place the tracking code on each page.

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