Wiz-Bang Presentation Tools Demo

with Kate Twoey. If anything, I’ll probably be supporting Kate during this demo. She’s got a lot of excellent experience working with Presenter. If I recall, she and Jen use it for HRER courses. Based on the Learning Design “Course…

with Kate Twoey. If anything, I’ll probably be supporting Kate during this demo. She’s got a lot of excellent experience working with Presenter. If I recall, she and Jen use it for HRER courses. Based on the Learning Design “Course Inventory” GoogleDoc, there seems to be a number of courses that currently feature PowerPoint with Audio. Of those, I’m curious how many use Presenter to publish those presentations.

The idea for this demo first came up in a Blue Team meeting I believe. It’s been a little while since the idea first came up. I’d like to move ahead with this asap because there are other demo’s I’d like to get working on.

One possible set of Guiding Questions (based on ELI’s 7Things…) that I would like to get Kate and El’s feedback on.

  1. What are these tools? “Wiz-Bang Presentation Tools” Adobe Presenter, Camtasia, MediaSite Live, iSpring, Adobe Connect Pro, Kate: start with a scenario
  2. Who’s doing it?
  3. How does it work? Workflow: planning, setup, recording, post-edits, publishing
  4. Why are these tools significant? Intimate, allows for new programming options, narrows the interpretation issue
  5. What are the downsides to using this approach (vs. individual tools)? Kate: certain edits can effect your delivery date, republishing; recording
  6. Where is it going?
  7. What are the impacts for teaching and learning? Let the scenarios illustrate/answer
  8. What will our presentation format be? Kate and Kent will present on the fundamentals, a couple of examples and closing. We will try to ask others to participate if they are using virtual presentation tools in their courses. TESTIFY or present. It would be nice if we provided a hand out or a link to a website of all the resources/information.

ELI also presents a scenario, so we should consider that as well. Actually, as noted above, will be showing a number of scenarios/examples. I crossed off a couple because I’m not sure we need to cover these depending upon the audience, etc.

Before we can plan our demo, we need to answer the following:

  • Who’s the audience? Venue? Learning Design, Open Mic
  • What’s our time frame? We’re presenting June 1st, we’ll have 45 min.
  • Are there any other important questions to answer? Where are the resources, platform issues
  • What resources will we need? Probably a projector, laptop… the usual stuff 🙂

Possible matrix headings: Tool | Features | Availability | Contacts

Updated: 14 May 2010

2 thoughts on “Wiz-Bang Presentation Tools Demo”

  1. Thanks El! Those “other” questions are great. I’ll check-in with Kate about the venue/audience and we’ll get back to you 🙂

  2. Like the idea of framing this around ELI’s 7 Things!

    Some thoughts re: your questions:

    Audience -two options. Blue Team (Meeting) or all LD Staff (Open Mic)
    Venue – based on answer above. 315 or 119.
    Time frame – that is your call. We can schedule when you’re ready and you can have as much time as you need.
    Other important questions – it’d also be helpful for us to hear specifically how this worked for the distance student. Are there supporting tasks, steps or info related to implementing this successfully with this audience? Backup plans?
    Resources – you need em? we got em. 😉

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