Blue Team: ID-IPS Update

Since the Last UpdateJeff Hand and Equella – ON-HOLD (until Jamie returns) meeting with Jeff to discuss the system and his needs, future planning, etc.Just2It Faculty Development – closing session is today; only 3 participants attending :-(mLearnCon – registered, thanks…

  1. Since the Last Update
    1. Jeff Hand and Equella – ON-HOLD (until Jamie returns) meeting with Jeff to discuss the system and his needs, future planning, etc.
    2. Just2It Faculty Development – closing session is today; only 3 participants attending 🙁
    3. mLearnCon – registered, thanks to Mary!
    4. MYRTLE – finally all caught up!
  2. PSU
    1. Google Apps for Education Whitepaper – we’re about 90% there
  3. Outreach
    1. Leadership Academy – brand new; Nancy Eckert, Conference Planner, scheduling initial faculty (Bob Hendrickson & Lisa Latinka) kick off session ASAP
  4. World Campus Learning Design
    1. New courses?
  5. CE@UP
    1. ART H 111 – I now have access to Arts & Architecture Art History course! well… kinda
    2. CE@UP Faculty Portal – just reorganized the site and am waiting for Shawn to finish moving the content so that we can get the SME’s to review the content
    3. Will ask Angela about any new summer courses?
  6. CAPE
    1. EDSGN 498A Photovoltaics – requested a chance to regroup; course redesign is probable, but unknown; we have 8 DVD’s, but don’t know how they want to use them
    2. ENGR 497E Project Management – looking into changes for the next offering
    3. NURS 6003-6008, 8171A – final summer prep
    4. NURS 6009 Living with a Life Threatening Illness – unknown status, waiting on Mediasite Live materials
    5. 8171A Pilot (Manual Course) – finishing up survey, Fall 2010
  7. Other
    1. ePortfolio – getting bogged down
    2. Meeting Facilitation – professional development course
    3. WC Integration – need to know more about start-to-finish
    4. ScreenFlow  – demo (Linas, Patty & Cindy)
  8. Kate’s Help
    1. Nursing Summer ’10 courses – help get the live courses going for the summer
    2. Elive sessions – C&I Leadership Academy
    3. Presenter Demo – venue?

One thought on “Blue Team: ID-IPS Update”

  1. when does CE@UP summer courses begin?
    snapshots of CE@UP fall courses assessments?
    schedule a meeting with Kate
    open up the open mic on adobe presenter and camtasia

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