Attending: Erin Garthe, Tim Perry, Caroline Skinner
Via Phone: Ed Donovan, Kent Matsueda
- 1.5 years ago Superintendents Advisory Board Feedback: we need info on school finances for prof dev!
- content: finance management and tying $ to academic achievement
- Dr. Hartman created this 3 credit course that has been approved for Act 45
- initially set for this past Spring ’10 semester
- 6 real-time sessions, each scheduled for 2 hrs
- rolled out to 5-6 campuses via Polycom selected for convenience to the learners and Polycom seat capacity
- scheduled for 8-10 AM during the day, Erin mentioned that it would be likely that participants have to leave the sessions for more pressing matters
- initially marketing through Penn Link listserv
- less than 200 hits on the website
- zero registrations
- adv board said:
- weather cancellations was a problem
- we missed the boat for this cycle, starts again this Fall ’10
- bitter subject, needed but an “ugly” subject
Future adaptations
- Caroline: lack of specificity on the content in the past marketing campaign
Still to be determined
- What are the activities?
- Are we going with streaming, recording…?
- Ed: probably didactic, instructor driven interaction
- Assessments: “job-embedded” assignments with 5-6 deliverables
Protected page related to findings from the meeting: