CAPE School Finanace

Erin: brainstroming sessionAttending: Erin, Bill Hartman, Tim PerryBill, reactions to the first offering? Bill: funding will dry up for school districts in three years; $350 million was removed from the state and supplanted by federal stimulus money; 07-08 to 08-09…

Erin: brainstroming session
Attending: Erin, Bill Hartman, Tim Perry

Bill, reactions to the first offering?
Bill: funding will dry up for school districts in three years; $350 million was removed from the state and supplanted by federal stimulus money; 07-08 to 08-09 is $2 billion short fall, this year another $1 billion short and then the pension hits ’13; numbers are unsustainable-bottom line; future is unknown

how do districts deal with this: 1. expenditures (teachers salaries), again not sustainable; 2. raise taxes (Act 1 – a restriction on how much property taxes can be raised, district by district taking account poor districts, up to 3-4%)

relatively few people understand the situation and that the math doesn’t add up

NCLB is looking at a 9% increase in requirements for reading 11% for math every year to get the toughest learners up since the low-hanging fruit have already been addressed in the past 4 years

this content: presentation
1 session presenting this information
then doing the model 1.75 hours (the model is a separate proprietary solution that is available for consulting outside of this context)
gotomeeting & accuconference were used to provide webinars

bill wants reactions from the audience, something he didn’t get via webinars
bill has recorded in-class presentations and have posted them ANGEL, lecture materials are online; session is use for questions and interaction

3.0 Credit and non-credit available for this program

(What are the reasons LD has shifted away iTunes U)

works best for session 4

session 5 how do you start to deal with the problem?
Bill move these up to the top

there would be “homework” (required for ACT 45) no so much more work as pre-work for the sesion
job-embedded assignments
presentation time will be allotted in the last session

individual or group work optional

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