Raw Dump:
Presenter Introduction: John Orlando (Norwich University, Vermont) began using VT to solve a problem: he had to cancel a f2f, RI course and decided to use VT to supplant a lecture and create a lecture.
John is showing us the interface of VT. He’s using the “Roadrunner” VT example to demonstrate commenting.
LeeAnn: also consider debate, the public arena inspires the students to elevate their performance for a wider audience. Use VT to go deeper into f2f interactions.
My questions:
? Is it possible to export a VT for mobile/off-line viewing? yes, use “Export” but there is a fee for each export!! 🙁
? OAL time display?
? Are there email notifications if someone comments on your VT or a VT you’ve commented on?
? Since VT is Flash-based, can you upload interactive Flash models?
? Do you use a rubric to assess the student’s comments? the same rubrics you’d use in a discussion board?
John: wonderful way to learn, use photos and add your own voice to narrate the story; public vs. private… there are concerns and make your own decisions; FERPA allows us to assign public
Discussion: no ability to Close Captioning capabilities (synchronous captioning)
John: works well within ANGEL and Moodle, opens within the CMS to give the impression that everything is integrated
Discussion: Wacom tablets might be a good option for lots of pen annotations
Example: interactive art (photography) exhibit-Chernobyl
Discussion: code used to “embed” a VT into a website
<frameset rows="100%,*" border="0">
<frame src="http://voicethread.com/share/657268/" frameborder="0" />
<frame frameborder="0" noresize />
? Problems uploading PPT’s? Export slides as pictures.
John: he’s seeing more interaction than he’s gotten in a f2f course; possibility to cluster and reorder comments? hmm…
Example: students like to use VT over traditional discussions and offer more information through non-verbal cues, makes them feel more like they are in a classroom, a greater sense of instructor presence “Voicethreads for Teaching and Learning”
How many comments? “unlimited” but we don’t
Discussion: download VT’s are possible as static movies; there are multiple VT accounts possible – waah, i’ve reached my three free VT limit
LeeAnn: anchor your VT’s in a central question or prompt
John: use Copy to create a Master so that you can reuse it without comments, think future sections of the class
Tip: Use “My Identities” to add additional people to one account!