1-1 with El, Kate and Patty

List of courses and their statusWhat’s going on?Academic Leadership Academy (ALA)prep for Sept sessionfirst speaker: John Cheslock, Assoc. Prof Ed Policy Stds Higher Ed., Zeke will train John on eLivepriority: develop course module, awaiting outcomes, materials, etc.do we need to…

List of courses and their status

What’s going on?

  1. Academic Leadership Academy (ALA)
    1. prep for Sept session
      1. first speaker: John Cheslock, Assoc. Prof Ed Policy Stds Higher Ed., Zeke will train John on eLive
      2. priority: develop course module, awaiting outcomes, materials, etc.
      3. do we need to verify with HelpDesk about live session 9/17?
    2. everyone’s busy this week, GA’s have tests
    3. full eLive training for Bob, scheduled to happen before end of Aug
  2. NURS courses
    1. running for FA ’11
    2. Wanda – unknown future since Jeff Hand doesn’t want the program, still being budgeted out of the “non-credit” budget
  3. ID Position Search Committee – phone interviews begin next week, 8/24

What’s coming down the pike?

  1. SPAN courses – awaiting assignment of faculty, access to all sections
  2. MGMT 100
  3. VLN courses? – unclear involvement, will touch base with Lynne
  4. 2011 TLT? – Allan invited me to be the Outreach rep for the program committee
  5. Learning Lunch: iPad? – proposed by Stevie and Wayne to discuss/initiate sharing around technology that’s being tested/reviewed
  6. iFrames + Our.Outreach – spoke to Stevie about a solution to provide better ways to share/edit tabular data on the intranet

What’s on hold?

  1. Deafblind courses – still no word since Shubha’s email 8/11 and f2f soon there after, faculty not happy with curriculum being dictated, Ed says there’s a planning retreat, unknown reaction from PATTAN
  2. School Finance course (CE@UP) – no word since email 7/19

Where do I need some assistance?

  1. Vacation Sept 5-17: 9 work days or two weeks
  2. SPAN courses – potential edits
  3. ALA eLive session
    1. eLive rooms for participants
    2. cover for the live session, 9/17 @ 9-12 PM (ET) to provide morale support for GA
  4. NURS 6012 presentation
    1. slides need to be redone
    2. review once we receive new audio, new audio may need to be imported via Adobe Presenter