Talking about ePortfolios

Notes from Clay Shirky’s TED talkWhat is an/my online identity?before: “pick [content] then publish” -> now: “publish then [others] pick [what they want from your content”example: gnarlykitty is a blogger in Thailand who covered the coup; she made the case…

Notes from Clay Shirky’s TED talk

  • What is an/my online identity?
  • before: “pick [content] then publish” -> now: “publish then [others] pick [what they want from your content”
  • example: gnarlykitty is a blogger in Thailand who covered the coup; she made the case that bloggers are independent, influential, and cannot be coerced
  • is reverse chronological ordering/tagging limiting?
  • portfolios are about crafting the presentation
  • what does it mean to have a personal archive?
  • ideas -> solutions, we need lots of ideas, even if they are half baked and even wrong
Notes from ePorfolio Pilot wrap-up
  • collect, reflect, select, and present
  • what takes the whole picture? context!
  • about your audience: be selfish, it’s ok, but is it really for me, my team?
  • audience will be asking, what’s the info i need?
  • we’re talking about thought put into action
  • check out chris long’s blog post on curating activities
  • save your stuff in a place that cares about you and won’t go away
  • artifacts: publications, presentations, categories, content