A Leaner Meaner Syllabus

Different courses have different syllabus formats in our online undergrad IST program. Ravi and I have been talking about standardizing and streamlining that format since I’m working on the other online undergrad degree: SRA for 2013.Here are the following sections…

Different courses have different syllabus formats in our online undergrad IST program. Ravi and I have been talking about standardizing and streamlining that format since I’m working on the other online undergrad degree: SRA for 2013.

Here are the following sections in IST 110 (Section 002)

  1. Course title and information
  2. Instructor Contact Information
  3. Instructor Bio
  4. Course Description
  5. Course Goals and Objectives
  6. Materials
  7. MSDNAA & Labs
  8. Library Resources
  9. Technical Requirements
  10. Class and Course Policies
  11. Academic Integrity
  12. Accommodating Disabilities
  13. Additional Policies
  14. Email Policy
  15. Disclaimer
  16. Grading Scale and Information
  17. Course Schedule

We were considering the following changes

  1. Course title and information – no change
  2. Instructor Contact Information – undecided
  3. Instructor Bio – undecided
  4. Course Description, Goals and Objectives – consolidated
  5. Resources – new
    1. Materials – no change
    2. MSDNAA & Labs – undecided
    3. Library Resources – link to WC page
    4. Technical Requirements – link to WC page
  6. Class and Course Policies – does it have to be “Class and Course”?, undecided
    1. Academic Integrity – link to WC page
    2. Accommodating Disabilities – link to WC page
    3. Additional Policies – undecided
  7. Email Policy – undecided, move to instructor-related section?
  8. Disclaimer – undecided
  9. Grading Scale and Information – undecided, potentially move
  10. Course Schedule – link to a page in ANGEL

This process should significantly reduce the size of and clutter of the syllabus.

One thought on “A Leaner Meaner Syllabus”

  1. We got the OK from the Faculty Senate via Lisa Lenze that it is OK to substitute policy boilerplate with links to pages with that content as long as that content is presented on that page.

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