Update to Recording Lectures

I’ve updated my Evernote: Recording Lectures.

I used this page to document processes and strategies for faculty-authors to make the task of recording audio content for online lectures easier. I start off with some specific information on how to make a recording using Audacity. I even have a screencast that I’ve made to walk the audience through one possible workflow. The second-half of my notes covers best practices that will help with the planning, recording, and post-recording phases. These notes are helpful when I sit down with faculty-authors and serve as a good reminder for both of us because there are a lot of considerations when setting out to capture high-quality audio content.

This update is related to a revision of SRA 221: Overview of Information Security where I’m trying something new for our department: hired professional voice talent. I made a connection and was able to find a fantastic graduate student who will be perfect for the job. We’re still working on back-end paperwork, but I’m confident that we can work something out.

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