Screencast: Publishing/activating Qualtrics Surveys

One of the great resources here at Penn State is Qualtrics. Qualtrics is a robust, third-party surveying tool. Qualtrics is unparalleled in the number of features it offers. If you can’t do it in Qualtrics, I don’t think there’s another freely available tool here at Penn State that could do what you’re looking for.

I just recorded a relatively short screencast video on how to publish and activate a new survey. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback on the process.

Moving Canvas Video Assets to

I’ve finally begun a project with our multimedia specialists to move our video content in Canvas to We have a few courses that include downloadable video files as stored assets within Canvas. We were still working out our workflow at the time, and we decided that we need to do something better that our default.

Some of our students are commuting and prefer to have videos on their devices so that they can watch the content while on-the-go. By using, we have unlimited amount of storage to put our video assets for students. Box provides revisioning, access from various platforms, syncing to the cloud, collaboration, and more. We’re currently using College resources to store live and working documents and while that’s been great in the past, we’re enjoying new functionality with Box.

I’ve created a screencast of a discussion about what an initial workflow will look like. Howard is going to start and document changes as he goes.

[Internal: see Footprints Ticket #806]

Office of LD Website Updates

I was working on the office website and recorded a screencast on the changes I made:

  1. Turned on breadcrumbs for navigation
  2. Added the Page Navigation plugin
  3. Fix: staff bio page navigation – remove hard coded links
  4. Reorganized content related to our “For Instructors” website (original content)
  5. Fixed: problem with “What’s New” page – turned out to be a hard coded link
  6. Investigate: dynamic menus in WP