“A short pencil is better than a long memory!”

Thank you Megan Costello for sharing that with me. It was a quote that her father had shared with her.

When you write it down, you not only have it available as a reference, you also are more likely to remember it in the first place. So you’re able to absorb and act upon the information better than someone who doesn’t take notes.

So when you’re going to meet with someone – in person or on the phone – take notes! (A Short Pencil is Better than a Long Memory, By Bigg Success Staff)

Documentation of my work is an essential part of my workflow. It may not be eloquent, refined, accessible or even intelligible (no really), but I keep meticulous notes – because I have to.

I juggle so many details any given day, that if I did not document them, I would be failing in my responsibilities. If I just coded and adjusted settings all day long, that wouldn’t be as necessary. As a senior instructional designer, I’m often changing my focus from 100,000 feet down to a microscopic level of detail. It’s the rapid and constant shifting that makes it difficult to recall specifics about processes and procedures.

I mostly rely on Evernote and Google Apps for my day-to-day documentation and obviously this blog is a very important place for reflection.

Storyboards for Analytic Exercises for Col. Jacob Graham

I started working with Howard on developing a few multimedia deliverables for one of our faculty, Col. Jacob Graham, who teaches SRA courses here at the College of IST.

Based on materials from Jake, I storyboarded some concepts that we’ll be building on this summer. I forgot how much I love storyboarding!


Office of Learning Design Nominated for IST Team Award

The award honors staff members in the College of IST whom, through exemplary team effort, have successfully completed a project of major impact within the college.

We just received a wonderful note congratulating us on being nominated for the IST Team Award. Again, it’s awesome to know that others value the hard work our team has put out this past year to help prepare the College for the transition to Canvas.

From: Andrew Sears
Subject: Congratuations
Date: May 3, 2016 at 8:43:34 PM EDT

I wanted to congratulate the group on being nominated for the Team Award. While only one team can receive the award, just being nominated is an honor in itself.

I look forward to seeing and hearing more about your achievements in the future. Keep up the good work.

Once again, congratulations.


Andrew Sears
Dean and Professor
College of Information Sciences and Technology
Interim Chief Information Security Officer
The Pennsylvania State University
332 Information Sciences and Technology Building
University Park, PA 16802

IST Community Award Recipient

This award is given to a faculty and/or staff member who, through their own interactions and leadership, helped build a community within the College.

Thank you to Shelly Kachik and others who nominated me for the recognition. It is wonderful to be recognized and none of it would be possible with out all of the collaboration and support of others.