Gravity Forms at going “bye bye”?

I’ve been working with Ryan Wetzel on building a tool for faculty that will hopefully help them to understand options for using video content for instructional purposes.

We began this project almost a year ago, before CampusPress took over the duty of hosting our Penn State WordPress sites. The transition has been rocky for me as I’ve blogged about in earlier entries.

The newest hiccup is that there are apparently issues with Gravity Forms on this new platform. I’ll share Ryan’s assessment of what he has seen…

For us, Gravity Forms is still working more or less as it is supposed to, however we are getting locked out of forms with no way to unlock them to edit content. Campuspress recommends we clone the form and delete the original whenever this happens then replace the form ID with the new form ID on the page where the form is located. This works for awhile until the form locks us out again.

My staff has been working on duplicating our existing forms in Formidable. It mostly does the same stuff however it formats dates and time in strange ways and allows the user to submit incorrect data (rather than supply a calendar or limiting selections to real HH:MM selections).

It’s hard to say about the conditional logical until we actually spend time building something out with it. However I do believe that Campuspress plans on doing away with Gravity Forms at some point, not sure when, and that Formidable is their forms platform going forward.

I began porting our content over from Gravity Forms into Formidable Forms this morning. Thankfully the process has gone well so far. At worst, this will be additional work because we have to copy and paste all of the content from one form into another. There is not automatic export-import function from what I can tell.

We’ll keep pushing ahead for the time being and hope that all goes well. Do you have any experiences with either Gravity Forms or Formidable? Has your transition to CampusPress gone well?

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