Digital Fluency Symposium

I attended the Digital Fluency Symposium yesterday at the Penn State Hintz Family Alumni Center. It was an all-day event that featured a variety of speakers from Penn State and beyond.

  • Peck:
    • We are good analyzing some forms of data compared to others
    • Data is personal and some falsely believe data is objective
    • Who is your algorithm bad for?
  • Klippel:
    • VR helps lower level achievers do better
  • Yarger & Gamrat:
    • How can we give everyone a place so that they can see their dreams a reality?
  • Gutsche:
    • Story is vital for social cohesion and contestation
  • Trice:
    • Even accomplished people suffer from impostor syndrome
    • The 4th wave is coming in 15 years!
      • Computers
      • Internet
      • Mobile devices
      • ??, but it will require cross-disciplinary collaboration between developers, coders, designers, educators – all of us!
  • I picked up on some personal sharing related to struggle and vulnerability from multiple presenters
  • Trying to figure out how all these threads weave together and what is the future? Growth, problem-solving, collaboration

Kyle Bowen kicked off the event in place of Jennifer Sparrow. He actually led a facilitated discussion later in the day as well. In both cases, I was impressed with his ability to start with a look at various threads recognizable from popular culture and weave them together into a foundation for his talks. I’m also curious about his use of graphics. Some of them were so specific (a hand holding a miniaturized version of Connect Four), it made me wonder if he did the graphic design himself or had someone create custom vector graphics for his presentations.

The other presentations for the most part did a great job showing different facets of digital fluency. I will be interested in next steps and what the future will be for building digital fluency at Penn State.

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