Last post of 2020 and You Say, “Tomato,” I Say “Pomodoro”

COVID Pandemic–what a year and what a year to come. Right now globally, we’re looking at the highest infection and death rates that we’ve ever seen. I hope humanity can try to agree on protecting one another from this horrible pandemic.

I close out 2020 with something new. Perhaps the start of a New Year’s Resolution of sorts. I’m going to try out the Pomodoro technique to work more effectively. Meetings often drive the structure of my work day. That could make it difficult to complete multiple Pomodoro’s back-to-back, but I’m not really concerned about that. I plan to use this technique on whatever time I have.

I’ve only just start using it and can see how it will improve my ability to focus, manage stress, and get more done. I already have a timer that I’ve customized for work and break sessions. I’ll return to share how this has impacted my work.

Until then, happy holidays to you and best wishes.

One thought on “Last post of 2020 and You Say, “Tomato,” I Say “Pomodoro””

  1. One of the reasons this technique is working for me is that when I have my custom timer set, it verbally counts down at regular intervals when I’m under 5 minutes. At first, hearing these audible call-outs was distracting, but it soon helped me to motivate to crank out a bunch of work to finish my session strong. The breaks go by fast, so I know if I can’t finish, it’s no big deal. I’ll be able to get right back and keep working.

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