Looking for an AI co-author for your course?
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- One ChatGPT conversation for one course.
- Don’t want to mix up courses? Review managing your memory in ChatGPT.
The Course Design Model
Stage 1: Develop a Course Outline and Learning Objectives
We will define your course’s learning outcomes and organize them by module or lesson. This step ensures a strong foundation, making sure your objectives align with Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy.
Stage 2: Develop Assessments for Each Lesson
For each lesson or module, create assessments aligned with the learning objectives. These assessments will measure student success and ensure that learning goals are met.
See also: ChatGPT Prompt for Creating Rubrics
Stage 3: Develop Activities and Scaffold Student Learning
Develop instructional activities and identify engaging, accessible content that will help scaffold students’ learning toward achieving the desired outcomes.
See also: ChatGPT Prompt for Text Descriptions for Images
Stage 4: Continuous Feedback and Improvement
Throughout the course, integrate continuous feedback loops to refine content and instructional strategies based on student performance and engagement.
Here are a library of prompts, inspired by the work of Ethan Mollick and the Prompt Library, for ChatGPT to help with course design.
Faculty “often work with subject-matter and content knowledge, which can be so expansive and complex” (Fang & Broussard, 2024) that finding a starting point or developing aspects of a course can be very challenging. These prompts give you the freedom and flexibility you need to design your course. This is about AI augmenting you to achieve more (Birss, 2023).
Following David Birss’s (2023) approach of Preparation, Interaction, and Continuation. I have done the preparation for you and have structured these prompts to allow you to interact and continue development with AI.
- This is for experimental purposes.
- This uses AI, check everything.
Birss, D. (2023). How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tools [Video file]. Linkedin.
Fang, B., & Broussard, K. (2024, August 7). Augmented Course Design: Using AI to Boost Efficiency and Expand Capacity [Review of Augmented Course Design: Using AI to Boost Efficiency and Expand Capacity]. Educause.
Adding Development Notes to each prompts to track progress, issues, lessons learned, and future ideas.
Next: engineer a prompt for developing question banks, research other’s work since nothing here is new
I just spoke with Amy (alh245) and got her initial impressions:
I shared this with Aaron (acy5072) and got his initial impressions:
Just met with Logan (ljh5825) who had some great feedback when I asked him for his first impressions: