Progress on the Decision Tool for the Instructional Use of Video website

I have been serving on a sub-committee to develop an online tool that will hopefully help faculty when they’ve made a decision to use video in their courses.

April Millet is the chair, and we’re joined by Ryan Wetzel, Victoria Raish, John Buckwalter, and Peter Warren.

In our last few meetings, we’ve been hammering away at the Formidable Forms plug-in for WordPress. We’re trying to squeeze our required functionality out of the tool and we think we have a solution. I have to give a huge shout out to Ryan who was behind the keyboard and lead a lot of the detailed tinkering of the code.

I spent this morning deconstructing the code again and worked to establish a process. I was successful and even worked on some formatting things that were bugging me. I took everything I learned and blasted out a working draft of the tool on our website.

I’ve documented my work thus far in five screencasts that have been posted to my YouTube channel. I still have more work to capture there, but it’s a good start.

We still have a lot of work to do, but we’ve proven that it can be done and all we need to do is fine-tune our content and delivery and we should be very close to delivery.

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