Deafblind Curriculum/Structure Meeting

Leslie Demmert, Kent Matsueda, Ed Donovan, Carmen Herschell, Nan Rodgers, and Shubha KashyapDiscuss the details and management of the Low Incidence Instruction CE Certificate and get information from Nan/CE on the curriculum and structure of the programTypical Participant: K-21 (K-9)…

Leslie Demmert, Kent Matsueda, Ed Donovan, Carmen Herschell, Nan Rodgers, and Shubha Kashyap

Discuss the details and management of the Low Incidence Instruction CE Certificate and get information from Nan/CE on the curriculum and structure of the program

Typical Participant: K-21 (K-9) teachers and possibly their paired para-professional (verify this)

What are the course titles going to be?
Leslie will be sharing a draft of the “Certificate Proposal”

Have the instructors already been chosen?
guest presenters have been identified, but not confirmed
course 2 – two instructors
one lead course: Nan and Victor
weeks 1-3 person x
weeks 4-6 person y, etc.

What is their experience teaching online courses?
Can we get them into OL2000
request syllabus from course 1

video??? QTSS or Flash SS

Talk with Nan about options for Video/Audio taping

we’ll need to video tape some of the course 2 instructors during the conference

When will the courses run?

How far along are they with the development of their courses?
Syllabuses due when? course details, didactic presentations and online discussions

How much time will be scheduled for each course?

How would you describe the continuity between the four courses? Student participation, content, materials, interaction, etc?

Ed mentioned an assessment tool that will be used with the courses, what is this tool?

four-course, 12-credit certificate program, courses 1 and 4 cannot be taken at the same time

SPAN Courses

Transition to Courses 001, 002, 003, & 131Background/History on the coursesWenyi, original designersJuan did a revision 2 years ago (?), no IPS (sometimes Sing)lot of graded assignments, grade book overwhelminglot of flash elements in 1, 2, 3131 is a little…

Transition to Courses 001, 002, 003, & 131

Background/History on the courses

  • Wenyi, original designers
  • Juan did a revision 2 years ago (?), no IPS (sometimes Sing)
  • lot of graded assignments, grade book overwhelming
  • lot of flash elements in 1, 2, 3
  • 131 is a little different, all content in HTML, instructor wants a lot of freedom, everything in lessons tab is managed by the instructor, just keep an eye on things, not changing course content
  • all instructors are very friendly, willing to work with us, easy to take care of
  • they have E-Live sessions (set up by the instructor and students themselves), bi-weekly w/ students, and s-s interaction (links to recordings to T)
  • exams: non-proctored, timed; they have been converted into Asssessments
  • two to three section, 131 has one section
  • Harrisburg is merged with WC version, why?
  • PA: Kelly Ball, all communication; PM: Sue Repine
  • 131 will have a new textbook in July, Fall revision for Summer ’11 new version
  • they run every semester
  • instructors are generally very consistent

Check in PACTS for materials, If Kathy doesn’t update me about new versions assume that we’ll use the customized version of the materials.

Generally just the course schedule get’s updated each semseter.

student home pages also need to be updated each semester

peer evals are not used

ask instructors when to start and end specific lesson folders, T’s want to open and close at different times, maybe a week before or after; they want to do this because they want to guard against future cheating

i should ask them for more questions to use in questions pools

Rox and Maria, sec 1 and 2 (002) are slightly different
be sure to pick up the phone!

131 – first book Burns book is coming out in July
revision usually just changes readings
instructor has a lot of ideas for RI courses, might be able to apply them for the summer revision; Tim Wilsie (revision author) 25% revision… Andrea should we beef up the revision? maybe 50%? depends on the changes made to the new textbook

give instructor 131 one month of time before the course opens to make his changes, he’ll make all of the changes except of the syllabus

real-to-real not from DEV space

Academic Leadership Academy: Elluminate Live

We can start scheduling now, using the new thing vs. old thing :-)New thing: unlimited rooms 🙂 we can request a room for a whole calendar year, we can access it whenever we pleaseHow many rooms will we need? Break-out…

We can start scheduling now, using the new thing vs. old thing 🙂
New thing: unlimited rooms 🙂 we can request a room for a whole calendar year, we can access it whenever we please

How many rooms will we need? Break-out rooms are available.

  • Public (formal (you can setup before the session) and informal (ad-hoc)) and private (create on the fly)
  • public room stay open whether people are there or not
  • private rooms exist only as long as people are there
  • content might be lost in private rooms once people leave
  • participants cannot move in and out of rooms? Kate is going to check on this – to test out one’s connection/computer configuration

How will the rooms be used during the room? Who will get moderator privileges?
What room features will be used?

Online Training:

CAPE School Finanace

Erin: brainstroming sessionAttending: Erin, Bill Hartman, Tim PerryBill, reactions to the first offering? Bill: funding will dry up for school districts in three years; $350 million was removed from the state and supplanted by federal stimulus money; 07-08 to 08-09…

Erin: brainstroming session
Attending: Erin, Bill Hartman, Tim Perry

Bill, reactions to the first offering?
Bill: funding will dry up for school districts in three years; $350 million was removed from the state and supplanted by federal stimulus money; 07-08 to 08-09 is $2 billion short fall, this year another $1 billion short and then the pension hits ’13; numbers are unsustainable-bottom line; future is unknown

how do districts deal with this: 1. expenditures (teachers salaries), again not sustainable; 2. raise taxes (Act 1 – a restriction on how much property taxes can be raised, district by district taking account poor districts, up to 3-4%)

relatively few people understand the situation and that the math doesn’t add up

NCLB is looking at a 9% increase in requirements for reading 11% for math every year to get the toughest learners up since the low-hanging fruit have already been addressed in the past 4 years

this content: presentation
1 session presenting this information
then doing the model 1.75 hours (the model is a separate proprietary solution that is available for consulting outside of this context)
gotomeeting & accuconference were used to provide webinars

bill wants reactions from the audience, something he didn’t get via webinars
bill has recorded in-class presentations and have posted them ANGEL, lecture materials are online; session is use for questions and interaction

3.0 Credit and non-credit available for this program

(What are the reasons LD has shifted away iTunes U)

works best for session 4

session 5 how do you start to deal with the problem?
Bill move these up to the top

there would be “homework” (required for ACT 45) no so much more work as pre-work for the sesion
job-embedded assignments
presentation time will be allotted in the last session

individual or group work optional

CAPE: Leadership and Challenges in School Finance Course

Attending: Erin Garthe, Tim Perry, Caroline SkinnerVia Phone: Ed Donovan, Kent MatsuedaBackground1.5 years ago Superintendents Advisory Board Feedback: we need info on school finances for prof dev!content: finance management and tying $ to academic achievementDr. Hartman created this 3 credit…

Attending: Erin Garthe, Tim Perry, Caroline Skinner
Via Phone: Ed Donovan, Kent Matsueda


  • 1.5 years ago Superintendents Advisory Board Feedback: we need info on school finances for prof dev!
    • content: finance management and tying $ to academic achievement
  • Dr. Hartman created this 3 credit course that has been approved for Act 45
    • initially set for this past Spring ’10 semester
    • 6 real-time sessions, each scheduled for 2 hrs
    • rolled out to 5-6 campuses via Polycom selected for convenience to the learners and Polycom seat capacity
    • scheduled for 8-10 AM during the day, Erin mentioned that it would be likely that participants have to leave the sessions for more pressing matters
  • initially marketing through Penn Link listserv
  • less than 200 hits on the website
  • zero registrations
  • adv board said:
    • weather cancellations was a problem
    • we missed the boat for this cycle, starts again this Fall ’10
    • bitter subject, needed but an “ugly” subject

Future adaptations

  • Caroline: lack of specificity on the content in the past marketing campaign

Still to be determined

  • What are the activities?
  • Are we going with streaming, recording…?
  • Ed: probably didactic, instructor driven interaction
  • Assessments: “job-embedded” assignments with 5-6 deliverables

Protected page related to findings from the meeting:

C&I Leadership Academy

PeopleAttending: Rick & Nancy Eckard (Conference Planner)Lead faculty: Bob Hendrickson rmh6 (Education Policy Studies)TA’s: Zeke Kimball ewk124 & Phil Blackman pcb141; consider succession planning through the end of the programFollow-up Facilitator: Lisa Luttuca (Associate Professor)ScheduleF2F Conference, 1 week, 6/29-7/2, begins…


  • Attending: Rick & Nancy Eckard (Conference Planner)
  • Lead faculty: Bob Hendrickson rmh6 (Education Policy Studies)
  • TA’s: Zeke Kimball ewk124 & Phil Blackman pcb141; consider succession planning through the end of the program
  • Follow-up Facilitator: Lisa Luttuca (Associate Professor)


  • F2F Conference, 1 week, 6/29-7/2, begins on a Sunday-that evening there will be a keynote
  • 9 months to follow-up with readings and discussions


  • participants are generally associate deans and department heads
  • modeled after a program at Harvard that was designed for higher-level administrators, a more intense and expensive program
  • this program is for 2nd tier administrators of smaller institutions and colleges


  • Program Website:
  • non-credit certificate program
  • program capped at 30 participants
  • required hardware? laptops for everyone?
  • costs: IT support $32/person; ≈$300 for E-Live; $720 for ID support
  • F2F Conference Week
    • Rick: we’d need at least 2 hours for training (probably on the last day in the morning)
    • located at the Nittany Lion Inn, Ball Room AB
      • Rick: connectivity? free wifi? wired connection and projector for the presenters?
    • different presenters for the morning and afternoon sessions
    • Pre-conference: run E-Live tests
  • Follow-up
    • each month will have a focus
    • faculty leader (Lisa) for each month
    • there will likely be guest speakers each month
    • primarily independent work during the month and discussions and debrief
    • ANGEL Group
      • PSU-ID’s will be used
      • some participants will need to be added manually
      • the SOAR team should be able to automatically link the ANGEL Group to their listing in SOAR
    • E-Live Session(s)

Next Steps

  • determine what will be put into ANGEL
  • determine what Bob’s level of preparation is; we’ll need a course outline for each online session; how much time will the participants have to dedicate for prep each month?
  • materials? Library’s eReserves for copyrighted materials/articles; students may need support turning on access for their accounts to link with the Library
  • what are they going to do for 3 hours? will the participants be grouped in the activities?
  • setup E-Live sessions for the entire year; no need for performance release needed
  • will the E-Live sessions be recorded? if yes, then we’ll need separate sessions; if no, then we won’t
  • setup a skeleton in ANGEL based on the tentative schedule from the portal
  • we need to map out at least the first few months

Assessing the Nursing Online CE Pilot Course: 8171A

Background – The Nursing Online CE program was initially developed to use ANGEL Groups as they were the only resources available to the planners at that time. The planners now have access to use ANGEL Groups which are advantageous for…


  1. Background – The Nursing Online CE program was initially developed to use ANGEL Groups as they were the only resources available to the planners at that time. The planners now have access to use ANGEL Groups which are advantageous for a number of reasons:
    1. Courses are not linked to any one person’s account
    2. There aren’t any quotas on the numbers of courses we could create
    3. The use of DEV spaces would make the process of course revisions more similar to typical WC courses
    4. WCLD would maintain more direct admin access to the courses, this would be especially useful for succession planning
    5. Courses provide a level of legitimacy that Groups do not have
  2. Goal – test the proper functioning, flow, and basic organization of a Nursing Online CE Course in ANGEL
  3. Survey
    1. History/Experience
    2. Main Components of Materials
      1. Nursing Portal/Marketing Site – point of first entry
      2. SOAR – registration engine
        1. FPS – account registration/user database
      3. ANGEL Course
        1. Welcome page
        2. Handouts
        3. Navigation info
        4. Presentation
        5. Support info
        6. AI
        7. Quiz
        8. Eval
        9. Certificate
        10. Completion
        11. Copyright & TEACH Act
    3. Survey attributes
      1. Content
      2. Organization
      3. Flow
      4. Support
    4. Comparison of the Group with the Course

I’m tempted to expand the pilot to include effectiveness of the design of this course. It would be a mistake to do that at this time given the scope, time frame, and initial goal of this pilot. It would be great to get more specific answers about how these courses compare to other forms of professional development that are available to nurses.

Nursing Online CE Updates

I’ve notified SON and CAPE about the new version of ANGEL’s Assessments broken GOTO advanced actions (the resulting page is blank). We’ll have to resort to alerts to assist students along the course process. I was also considering using Presenter’s…

I’ve notified SON and CAPE about the new version of ANGEL’s Assessments broken GOTO advanced actions (the resulting page is blank). We’ll have to resort to alerts to assist students along the course process. I was also considering using Presenter’s built-in quizzing features as an alternative.

Madeline had me change some colors in PPT because they wouldn’t print in B&W. I just checked and we shouldn’t have to worry about that since that seems to occur when participants are printing directly from PPT. Students only have PDF’s to print from and as long as they look good, then participants will get good prints. Looking at the printing more carefully, I began to wonder if we should offer B&W versions. The problem there is that the Penn State Mark and “SON” do not appear at the bottom of each slide.
6008_slide10_color.pngI was also wondering if we should include full-sized references, but began to think that is going too far for a .1CEU non-credit course. The information is available online and the students can copy that info if they really want to.

Recording Audio for the WC

I’m looking back for documentation on what my recording process for the ADTED 531 course back on Jan 20, 2010. I don’t have any notes so I’ll keep track of what I’m doing now:Reserve 217 OBHardware: MacBook Pro, internal micSoftware:…

I’m looking back for documentation on what my recording process for the ADTED 531 course back on Jan 20, 2010. I don’t have any notes so I’ll keep track of what I’m doing now:

  1. Reserve 217 OB
  2. Hardware: MacBook Pro, internal mic
  3. Software: Audacity?
  4. Record AIFF – 16 bit Integer (Big Endian), Mono, 44.1 kH, about 700 kbits/s

NURS 6009 “Living with a Life Threatening Illness” Mediasite Live

Spoke to Heather Stover, School of Nursing, today and she said that she’ll talk with their IT Specialist, Colin Dangler today to request the materials and software we’ll need to edit Cheryl’s presentation for 6009: “Living with a Life Threatening…

Spoke to Heather Stover, School of Nursing, today and she said that she’ll talk with their IT Specialist, Colin Dangler today to request the materials and software we’ll need to edit Cheryl’s presentation for 6009: “Living with a Life Threatening Illness.” I had emailed Colin Fri 3/5 about the materials and software, but haven’t heard anything from him.

I’m under the impression that there is a possibility that we (Learning Design) won’t be able to get a copy of the Mediasite Live editing software. This could be a potential hurdle for getting the 6009 course launched by the start of the Summer… when SON would like the course to go live. I’m confident that if we get the materials and software soon (within the next week or so), we’d be able to get the course ready by the summer.

Course Development Goals: Take a pre-existing Mediasite Live presentation and swap out the PowerPoint for a different version. Then publish the presentation and incorporate it into a new 6009 course that is a part of the Nursing Online CE program. Due date to go live: start of Summer ’10. Will work on other aspects of the course until the content is ready: Welcome Page, Resources, Quiz, Evaluation, Certificate, etc.

More updates to come.