RHS 301 Student having problems Copying&Pasting from Word into MT4

I’ve been trading emails with a student who’s apparently having problems moving content generated in a desktop word processor, I think it is Word, into his MT4 blog. I just made a test and things look good for me. So…

I’ve been trading emails with a student who’s apparently having problems moving content generated in a desktop word processor, I think it is Word, into his MT4 blog. I just made a test and things look good for me. So I’ve asked for his URL and original document. He worked with the Helpdesk after speaking with Linas and suggested that he use WordPad as an intermediary. That apparently helped, but didn’t solve his problems. I won’t be able to offer any additional assistance unless I see his originals.

Anyone else having problems with copying and pasting docs from the desktop into MT4?

Example from this document (Blooms and Question Types.docx):

E-learning and Assessment

Version 4.


Reference http://wiscinfo.doit.wisc.edu/teaching-academy/Assistance/course/questions.htm


The education strategy (March 2004) has highlighted that Bristol University:-

1.    Is a “research intensive” university where the student learning experience is informed by research and is delivered by research active staff.

2.    Wishes to retain its high quality teaching.

3.    Needs to widen access and to look at diverse progression routes into HE.

4.    Needs to expand postgraduate numbers – particularly on taught masters programmes

5.    To retain their highly rated international research output and to deliver high quality teaching, requires that teaching is cost effective.


Whilst E-learning has a relevance to all of these points, this paper will focus on point 5 i.e. the requirement for teaching to be cost effective. The contribution of E-learning to assessment is a major area where substantial gains in efficiency can be achieved.


Currently staff spend a significant amount of time

1.    setting examinations

2.    ensuring that they match course learning objectives,

3.    liasing with the external examiner

4.    marking

5.    exam related student administration


Much of this activity is repeated at least twice per year and sadly the outcome is often only summative rather than formative. Several staff within the university have already adopted CAA (computer aided assessment) as a means of addressing this problem and have found pedagogic as well as efficiency gains. However this approach has not yet become embedded. Reasons for this limited uptake include:-

World Campus Learning Design ePortfolio Pilot Workshop

Attending a workshop today that is a primer to ePortfolios here at Learning Design. Here are some notes from the meeting:Had beginnings when Ken Udas was here – Personalized Learning SubcommitteeFixing/improving the SRDP process – this isn’t a replacement to…

Attending a workshop today that is a primer to ePortfolios here at Learning Design. Here are some notes from the meeting:

  • Had beginnings when Ken Udas was here – Personalized Learning Subcommittee
  • Fixing/improving the SRDP process – this isn’t a replacement to the formal SRDP process
  • Jamie: this will help establish a better “conversation” or “relationship” between you and your supervisor
  • used to reflect on prof and personal growth; serve as online storage container; assist w/ performance assessment
  • consider the privacy vs. public nature of the ePortfolio
  • Jamie showed this blog as an example and this one by Carla
  • How are we going to assess this pilot? (a good question for other pilots as well… hint: 8171A)
  • ePortfolios at Penn State Website

Here are some components I want to add to my blog:

  • a section on your experience
  • a warmer welcome message and photo on the main page – build an identity
  • awards and honors
  • conferences?
  • customize my banner
  • possibly delete my “About” page
  • profession development – add as individual entries
  • put a link/message from my Tiddlywiki to this blog

Test link to search for “faculty development” tags – looks like I can use these types of links to make it easier for users to find content on my blogs

Some good people to talk with: Dean and Jamie have both been using Blogs@PSU for a while and Jamie mentioned working with another member to work out little problems.

Back from Paternity Leave

I was out the last week for the birth of my little girl, Kylie. It was a wonderful experience. For the first few days, I’ll only be here half the day. It’ll give me a chance to catch up and…

I was out the last week for the birth of my little girl, Kylie. It was a wonderful experience. For the first few days, I’ll only be here half the day. It’ll give me a chance to catch up and get back into the swing of things. I caught up with Linas a little about the last week and he said there weren’t any major issues.

  • Emails
  • Phone Messages
  • Pressing Issues
  • Projects
    • NURS Courses for the Spring
    • CE Faculty Portal
    • Google Apps for Education

WCLD ePortfolio Pilot

I just spoke with Patty about joining the pilot after getting the nod from El and Rick. I don’t have all my notes with me right now, but from what I recall, the pilot is a year-long project to get…

I just spoke with Patty about joining the pilot after getting the nod from El and Rick. I don’t have all my notes with me right now, but from what I recall, the pilot is a year-long project to get users comfortable using Blogs@PSU as a supplement to PSU’s Staff Review and Development Plan (SRDP) process.

I’m really excited to be apart of the pilot. I even created a root-level page that lists the other [awesome] participants in this pilot. I’m kind of joining the game a little late and might miss some of the kick-off events, but I’ll work hard to catch up.

I mentioned a few things about the pilot to Patty based on my limited knowledge of MT4 and blogging in general.

  1. MT4 doesn’t have a way of displaying a user’s list of tags at once – I found this a very useful feature in other blogging tools; what I do is literally hit every single letter in the alphabet and see which tags apply for any given post
  2. Web Analytics – I’m using Google Analytics to check the traffic on my blog, it’s a great way to justify or plan work I’m doing in my blog… once I get some visitors that is
  3. When to blog – just had a minor comment that we some users may chose to work on a pretty flexible schedule while others will like an hour or two each week to focus on blogging
  4. ePortfolios to replace SRDP’s – yea! but that’ll never happen 🙁

There’s a lot to MT4 I still don’t know. I would like to learn about best practices regarding:

  1. Categories – what the heck are they?
  2. Trackbacks – see above…
  3. Keywords – how are these different in use from tags?
  4. Widgets – what the heck are these?
  5. Preferences – anything in particular we should or shouldn’t be doing?
  6. Publishing related to aggregating post contents – Is it better to create a new post or update an old one? If one updates an old one, does that mean we should change the publish date? If we change the publish date, then we have to be careful of changing the URL. So, does that then mean we go back to previous posts and just add links to newer, related links?
  7. Importing/Exporting – when might we use it?
  8. What to put on my front page?

Thing I still want to do with my blog:

  1. Customize my blog’s appearance
  2. Possible to post audio? Think blogs + RSS + atoms = podcasting!

var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”); document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + gaJsHost + “google-analytics.com/ga.js’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”)); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-15285145-1”); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

eLearning vs. Distance Learning

What is the difference between elearning and distance learning?eLearning – refers to any learning supported by electronic technology which could include face-to-face forms of delivery (see more)Distance Learning – refers to a delivery format where the students are not physically…

What is the difference between elearning and distance learning?

eLearning – refers to any learning supported by electronic technology which could include face-to-face forms of delivery (see more)

Distance Learning – refers to a delivery format where the students are not physically present for the instruction in a traditional sense (see more)

You could have an eLearning-Distance Learning format similar to many of our World Campus Online courses. The World Campus used to offer distance learning via correspondence courses. Of course, we offer resident online courses for local students.

Contacts across CE

Continuing Education at University Park (CE@UP)Jeff Hand, Interim Director of CE and Director of CE@UPAngela Simparosa, Registrar and guru, amh17@outreach.psu.edu, x5-3444Shawn Vashaw, GA, Faculty Portal, sjv3@psu.eduContinuing and Professional Education (CAPE)Wes Donahue, Director Business & Engineering, WF ED & Photovoltaics course,…

Continuing Education at University Park (CE@UP)

  • Jeff Hand, Interim Director of CE and Director of CE@UP
  • Angela Simparosa, Registrar and guru, amh17@outreach.psu.edu, x5-3444
  • Shawn Vashaw, GA, Faculty Portal, sjv3@psu.edu

Continuing and Professional Education (CAPE)

  • Wes Donahue, Director Business & Engineering, WF ED & Photovoltaics course, wed105@outreach.psu.edu, x5-6341
  • Ed Donovan, Director Education & Health
  • Wanda Bickel, Admin Asst to Ed Donovan, Nursing Online CE, wqb2@outreach.psu.edu, x3-6780
  • Erin Garthe, EPIC Program Manager, emb189@psu.edu, x5-9654

Statewide Continuing Education (SWCE)

  • Bill Curley, Director
  • Mary Cavanaugh, Admin Asst, mcc6@psu.edu, x5-6602

Conferences & Institutes (C&I) and Shavers Creek

  • minimal contact; have consulted for and worked on committees with Pam Driftmier (C&I)

PSU School of Nursing

  • Madeline Mattern, Coordinator of Outreach Programs
  • Heather Stover, Admin Asst, Nursing Online CE, hns10@psu.edu, x3-2239

How will Equella fit into my workflow?

We were asked to publish at least 10 objects into the Equella repository and it brought up a few questions for me:What level(s) of granularity are we supposed to publish? Let’s say that I have a custom graphic for a…

We were asked to publish at least 10 objects into the Equella repository and it brought up a few questions for me:

  1. What level(s) of granularity are we supposed to publish? Let’s say that I have a custom graphic for a lesson. Do I publish the graphic, the graphic plus relevant content paragraphs, graphic, text and outcomes, the full lesson, the full unit, all of those discreet pieces? Let’s say that I publish the full unit… how does someone find just that custom graphic?
  2. How are copyright issues handled? I would think: don’t even go there.
  3. How should the content authors be involved with the metadata? I would say that they would be responsible for specific fields, but I’m sure that would be problematic. Many faculty don’t want to share their materials. There would be additional demands on the time line and task list as well.

I’m just not convinced that anyone would ever use the repository. It’s one of those things that sounds like a great idea, but doesn’t really work.

Cooperative Extension ID Request

Mark Douglass (mbd10@psu) 814-849-7316Natural Gas Exploration Issues – technical contact for webinar seriesOn-farm Comparison of Fertility Treatments on Sweet Corn – research synopsisPreparing Your Business for Success: Small Business Planning for Marcellus Shale – presentation speakerExtension Director’s Spirit Awards recipient…

Mark Douglass (mbd10@psu) 814-849-7316

is seeking ID support. Call originated from WC Helpdesk (Dave). Spoke with Becky Beatty about the situation and she mentioned a call from Suzanne Bienert, e-Learning Coordinator (863-2684) looking for a contact in CE to develop online courses through an RFP originating from President Spanier via the Dean of the College of Agriculture.

  1. Call Mark
    1. identify
    2. background
    3. define initial scope of work
      1. overview
      2. due dates
      3. players
      4. expectations/requirements
    4. support structure on his end
    5. __ Calvin?
  2. Contact Rick for further guidance
    1. relationship between Extension, College of Ag, & Outreach
    2. next steps (potentially between Wayne, Jeff, __ Calvin, Craig?)
  3. Update Dave at the WC Helpdesk

On our own with Protected PASS

Linas and I have been trying to figure out how to access protected content in PASS. We know how to manage content in the www_Protected directory using the PASS Explorer and SMB server access. We know how to manage the…

Linas and I have been trying to figure out how to access protected content in PASS. We know how to manage content in the www_Protected directory using the PASS Explorer and SMB server access. We know how to manage the permissions using the web-based Access Control Manager Wizard. All we needed to know is what URL to use to access protected content.

Unfortunately the Learning Design IT staff either didn’t know how to do it themselves or they didn’t make the time to give us a quick hand. That was frustrating because I knew it was an easy answer that was just out of our reach. So, what is the answer?
The base URL for my protected space is: https://protected.personal.psu.edu/kkm11/
And that information can be found at: http://kb.its.psu.edu/article/1103
I hope that helps someone else in the future.