Course and Projects

Support of Live Course Sections

List of courses that I support

List of courses that I have helped to design and develop in Canvas

Projects and Interest Areas

Additional Responsibilities

  • Virtual Labs Liaison to Office of IT
  • Committees and Working Groups
    • Penn State Faculty Engagement Subcommittee since 2020 (Melissa Hicks)
    • Penn State Accessibility and CATME since 2017 (Tom Litzinger)
    • 3-d/Tactile Printing for Accessibility Working Group since 2017 (Elizabeth Pyatt)
    • Instructional Use of Video Sub-Committee since 2016 (April Millet)
    • Safety Monitor: Building Emergency Evacuation Plan (BEEP) and the COOP (Contingency of Operations Plan) Committees (Lisa Crownover) since 2015

Projects prior to Summer 2013 can be found at: