Back from Paternity Leave

I was out the last week for the birth of my little girl, Kylie. It was a wonderful experience. For the first few days, I’ll only be here half the day. It’ll give me a chance to catch up and…

I was out the last week for the birth of my little girl, Kylie. It was a wonderful experience. For the first few days, I’ll only be here half the day. It’ll give me a chance to catch up and get back into the swing of things. I caught up with Linas a little about the last week and he said there weren’t any major issues.

  • Emails
  • Phone Messages
  • Pressing Issues
  • Projects
    • NURS Courses for the Spring
    • CE Faculty Portal
    • Google Apps for Education

Blue Team: ID-IPS Update

Last UpdateJeff Hand and Equella – meeting with Jeff to discuss the system and his needs, future planning, etc.Penn State Leader – confirmed for MayPSUGoogle Apps for Education whitepaper – draft due 3/17, we’re about 30% thereOutreachnothingWorld Campus Learning DesignJust2It…

  1. Last Update
    1. Jeff Hand and Equella – meeting with Jeff to discuss the system and his needs, future planning, etc.
    2. Penn State Leader – confirmed for May
  2. PSU
    1. Google Apps for Education whitepaper – draft due 3/17, we’re about 30% there
  3. Outreach
    1. nothing
  4. World Campus Learning Design
    1. Just2It Faculty Development – finished until the closing session April 16th
    2. Outreach Helpdesk Support of CE Courses – working with Angela; I have finished my worksheet
  5. CE@UP
    1. List of Courses – now available as a published Google Doc with course information and my related documentation
    2. ART H 111 – meeting with instructor Thu 3/11 to discuss Polycom, CE-specific pedagogy, etc.
    3. HPA 332 – Chris may need more help with his course as he finishes activities for use in ANGEL
    4. CE@UP Faculty Portal – created a WBS and am working with Shawn to get the materials ported over from wikispaces
  6. CAPE
    1. EDSGN 498A Photovoltaics – requested a chance to regroup; course redesign is probable, but unknown; we have 8 DVD’s, but don’t know how they want to use them
    2. ENGR 497E Project Management – looking into changes for the next offering
    3. NURS 6009 Living with a Life Threatening Illness – unknown status, waiting on Mediasite Live materials
    4. Manually-Created Courses – dev and live space available, waiting on Marketing and SOAR to test format
  7. Other
    1. mLearnCon – requested more info, will schedule regardless by Fri 3/12
    2. MYRTLE – caught up to November, submitted earlier months
    3. Blue Team Integration – any blindspots? more updates or info
    4. ePortfolio – continuing to further integrate my posts into other blogs/communities and cross-listing links in other relevant documents like my published course list
  8. Kate’s Help
    1. Nursing Summer ’10 courses – help get the live courses going for the summer
    2. Manually-Created Courses – if testing goes well, then create more dev and live spaces for the remaining courses

“Paternity” leave

I just found out from Becky Barton, how I account for the time, in ESSIC, that I’ll be out of the office when the baby is born.Apparently, it all gets marked “Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA).” However the first…

I just found out from Becky Barton, how I account for the time, in ESSIC, that I’ll be out of the office when the baby is born.
fmla.jpgApparently, it all gets marked “Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA).” However the first 40 hours is listed under “Sick Leave-Family” for the first 40 hours and anything after that is listed as “Vacation.” (If I take any un-paid days off then it get’s marked “NP-New Child.”)

That’s pretty easy, but I’m glad I asked.