ANGEL: Certificate-Generating Tool Instructions

I met with a group of IDs and IPSs from Outreach to present on some work that I did while working on a solution for the PSU School of Nursing.

I have documented my overview, procedures, and implementation notes in an Evernote: “ANGEL: Certificate-Generating Tool Instructions“.

This project covers the design, development and implementation of a solution that was developed to automatically generate certificates-of-completion for participants taking online continuing education credits. Nurses in PA need to maintain professional development credits in an ongoing basis. PSU Outreach worked with the School of Nursing to develop self-paced online learning that would satisfy this need.

Contacts across CE

Continuing Education at University Park (CE@UP)Jeff Hand, Interim Director of CE and Director of CE@UPAngela Simparosa, Registrar and guru,, x5-3444Shawn Vashaw, GA, Faculty Portal, sjv3@psu.eduContinuing and Professional Education (CAPE)Wes Donahue, Director Business & Engineering, WF ED & Photovoltaics course,…

Continuing Education at University Park (CE@UP)

  • Jeff Hand, Interim Director of CE and Director of CE@UP
  • Angela Simparosa, Registrar and guru,, x5-3444
  • Shawn Vashaw, GA, Faculty Portal,

Continuing and Professional Education (CAPE)

  • Wes Donahue, Director Business & Engineering, WF ED & Photovoltaics course,, x5-6341
  • Ed Donovan, Director Education & Health
  • Wanda Bickel, Admin Asst to Ed Donovan, Nursing Online CE,, x3-6780
  • Erin Garthe, EPIC Program Manager,, x5-9654

Statewide Continuing Education (SWCE)

  • Bill Curley, Director
  • Mary Cavanaugh, Admin Asst,, x5-6602

Conferences & Institutes (C&I) and Shavers Creek

  • minimal contact; have consulted for and worked on committees with Pam Driftmier (C&I)

PSU School of Nursing

  • Madeline Mattern, Coordinator of Outreach Programs
  • Heather Stover, Admin Asst, Nursing Online CE,, x3-2239

CE Faculty Profile

DRAFTLarry Ragan and I met with Kate Miffitt, an ID from Liberal Arts, the other day and he led a conversation that described the complexities surrounding the typical CE instructors. I wanted to try and capture as many of these…


Larry Ragan and I met with Kate Miffitt, an ID from Liberal Arts, the other day and he led a conversation that described the complexities surrounding the typical CE instructors. I wanted to try and capture as many of these attributes as possible. I’m still waiting on a key research document from Larry that is an important source of these factors.

  1. Training – it is not clear when or how is the best way to provide CE faculty with training. Evenings seem to be a good time. Week days, working hours doesn’t work well for most. It’s important to have drinks and snacks budgeted and planned for these events.
    1. All-faculty Summer Event – I’ve spoken to others and we have agreed that the past to events were probably not that effective in the sense that they were primarily talking-heads rather than interactive events. I can say this because I have been apart of the last two years as a presenter or co-presenter. It has been said that if the faculty will take the time out of their busy schedules to meet up at the BJC, then the event should be focused on their needs. They want opportunities to meet with other faculty to work out issues related to their courses.
    2. New Faculty Orientation – I have not personally attended this event
    3. Technology: ANGEL Orientation provided by WC Helpdesk
    4. Weekend College Orientation – This session was run once with the help of Stephanie Edel-Malizia and featured Ike Shibley as a special guest to talk about blended learning.
  2. Material Resources – limited
    1. RI instructors may not receive the same level of resources for courses delivered outside of their own facilities or purview of their academic home
    2. Adjunct instructors are limited from using PSU resources since they may not have PSU ID’s or the time to access them
  3. Support
    1. Technical
    2. Instructional Design – currently only certain blended learning courses are being
  4. Delivery methods
    1. F2F
    2. Blended Learning
    3. Weekend College: Accelerated & Blended Learning
    4. Polycom: Videoconferencing
  5. Academic Partner and CE relationship – greatly varies depending upon the AP

CM2 MAX Portable Interactive Whiteboard System

El just id’d the product I was looking for! Thank you El!I had seen an article about this interesting USB portable projector. It sees an IR wand and uses that signal to allow users to interact with a projected computer…

El just id’d the product I was looking for! Thank you El!

I had seen an article about this interesting USB portable projector. It sees an IR wand and uses that signal to allow users to interact with a projected computer image similar to a SMART board. The big advantage is, you don’t need a special board and you aren’t limited to using a pen to write/interact with your computer content. This technology could be very useful in classrooms in ways the SMART board just couldn’t be.

I’m going to request one from next year’s budget so we can try it out for CE courses. It could be very useful for Dual Enrollment, math, science, and other f2f or blended learning courses.

Unfortunately, I have no idea what the pricing is and there’s only one distributor in the US. I’m waiting to hear back from Jim Cassin about pricing and availability.

Cooperative Extension ID Request

Mark Douglass (mbd10@psu) 814-849-7316Natural Gas Exploration Issues – technical contact for webinar seriesOn-farm Comparison of Fertility Treatments on Sweet Corn – research synopsisPreparing Your Business for Success: Small Business Planning for Marcellus Shale – presentation speakerExtension Director’s Spirit Awards recipient…

Mark Douglass (mbd10@psu) 814-849-7316

is seeking ID support. Call originated from WC Helpdesk (Dave). Spoke with Becky Beatty about the situation and she mentioned a call from Suzanne Bienert, e-Learning Coordinator (863-2684) looking for a contact in CE to develop online courses through an RFP originating from President Spanier via the Dean of the College of Agriculture.

  1. Call Mark
    1. identify
    2. background
    3. define initial scope of work
      1. overview
      2. due dates
      3. players
      4. expectations/requirements
    4. support structure on his end
    5. __ Calvin?
  2. Contact Rick for further guidance
    1. relationship between Extension, College of Ag, & Outreach
    2. next steps (potentially between Wayne, Jeff, __ Calvin, Craig?)
  3. Update Dave at the WC Helpdesk

Cross-training/pollination with the Blue Team

I’ve been thinking about how I can work closer with the Blue Team or Learning Design as a whole. I’ve talked about it with El and briefly with Rick after he sent me an email:”we need to find a way…

I’ve been thinking about how I can work closer with the Blue Team or Learning Design as a whole. I’ve talked about it with El and briefly with Rick after he sent me an email:
“we need to find a way to do more cross-training, cross pollination of what you are working on with others on the Blue team. And likewise we need to get you more involved with some of the World Campus courses.”

El had made a great point that the more I can do to formulate a strategy, the better it will be because it’ll give Rick and other a starting point. Thinking about an approach, some of the first questions that come up are:

  • What do I need to be effective?
  • What do others need to be effective?
  • What does it mean to be cross-trained in CE programs?
  • Who are the important contacts at CE?

UPDATE: Mon 8 Feb
I spoke to Linas and he reminded me that a lot of our PM-stuff will eventually be handled by Quickbase. However, Quickbase is kind-of “hands-off” right now until Ti Team finishes their work on the database.

I was just thinking, “what would I want if I were to “step-in” and pick-up for Jen for a short period of time?” That depends on the task and length of time really. For shorter projects, I don’t need much background…

  • just contact information for the instructor
  • a quick background on the task at hand (pre-requisite tasks)
  • sense of the critical path
  • due date and
  • details about the actual task at hand.

(That’s not a lot of “background?”)

For projects that need more involvement, in addition to the above list I would like (in no particular order)

  • an overview of the program
  • list of the “usual suspects”
  • time tracking information
  • syllabus for the course
  • change log on the course and a way for me to record my edits
  • an all-paid trip to go relax at my parent’s home in Maui or go up to the Green Mountains “in-style”
  • a new, full-suspension, Trek Fuel mountain bike
  • clear expectations on both sides
  • to have fun