Photoshop… still the best for GIFs

Tutorial: Create an animated GIF from a series of photos

I’ve tried some so-called, purpose-built GIF apps like GIF Brewery 3 and Photoshop is still the best for creating compact, quality GIFs. It gives me the most control, but there are a lot of additional steps and things to confuse those new to Photoshop.

I still have to consider the pedagogical application of when to best use a GIF. You have to consider your audience. The size, quality, and timing all play into whether the work I am creating will be effective. I made the GIF below for the director of my office, but chose to send static images because I had to get the information to her quickly and didn’t want to confuse her with how I formatted the information.

Walk through of viewing the Revision History on a WordPress page


  1. Using GIFs of Screencasts, 10/24/19
  2. MOV to GIF, 2/23/16

Additional: to make a screen capture of a specific window on a Mac, click the space bar after pressing command-shift-4 and then position the camera icon over the window you would like to capture and then click the mouse

Storyboards for Analytic Exercises for Col. Jacob Graham

I started working with Howard on developing a few multimedia deliverables for one of our faculty, Col. JacobĀ Graham, who teaches SRA courses here at the College of IST.

Based on materials from Jake, I storyboarded some concepts that we’ll be building on this summer. I forgot how much I love storyboarding!
