Test iPhone Site

I just started playing around with the iWebKit to develop iPhone-friendly websites. It would be so nice if you could get the iPhone site to pull content from already existing sites.http://www.personal.psu.edu/kkm11/iPhone/…

I just started playing around with the iWebKit to develop iPhone-friendly websites. It would be so nice if you could get the iPhone site to pull content from already existing sites.


MT4 on the iPhone

This is a screencast that demonstrates what the PSU Blog tool (Movable Type 4) looks like when you use your iPhone to make entries on-the-go.You might want to click on the full-screen viewing option below for better viewing….

This is a screencast that demonstrates what the PSU Blog tool (Movable Type 4) looks like when you use your iPhone to make entries on-the-go.

You might want to click on the full-screen viewing option below for better viewing.

Free course work from Stanford on iPhone development

I love my iPhone. It does all I need it to do:email, scheduling (though it would be nice if syncing were easier with Oracle), addressessyncing URL’s thanks to Xmarksnotes, tasks, unit conversions, VNC control over my desktop computer, voice recordingaccessing,…

I love my iPhone. It does all I need it to do:

  • email, scheduling (though it would be nice if syncing were easier with Oracle), addresses
  • syncing URL’s thanks to Xmarks
  • notes, tasks, unit conversions, VNC control over my desktop computer, voice recording
  • accessing, editing, and creating databases thanks to Bento
  • taking photos, playing videos and my music (downloaded and via Pandora)
  • portable file storage accessible via wireless networks
  • IM’ing, tweeting, Skype phone calls over WiFi
  • movie listings, Netflix and TiVo management, maps, weather
  • eBook readers, news aggregation
  • advanced star charts for use with my telescope thanks to StarmapPro
  • grilling recipes from Weber’s On the Grill
  • and a few games to boot!

Now, how cool would it be to make my own apps! I just read about a course offered through Stanford being taught by Apple employees! I’m going to have to check this out when I’m done with my current course from Lynda.com.

I wonder what kind of app I’d make. What about you?