Larry Ragan and I met with Kate Miffitt, an ID from Liberal Arts, the other day and he led a conversation that described the complexities surrounding the typical CE instructors. I wanted to try and capture as many of these attributes as possible. I’m still waiting on a key research document from Larry that is an important source of these factors.
- Training – it is not clear when or how is the best way to provide CE faculty with training. Evenings seem to be a good time. Week days, working hours doesn’t work well for most. It’s important to have drinks and snacks budgeted and planned for these events.
- All-faculty Summer Event – I’ve spoken to others and we have agreed that the past to events were probably not that effective in the sense that they were primarily talking-heads rather than interactive events. I can say this because I have been apart of the last two years as a presenter or co-presenter. It has been said that if the faculty will take the time out of their busy schedules to meet up at the BJC, then the event should be focused on their needs. They want opportunities to meet with other faculty to work out issues related to their courses.
- New Faculty Orientation – I have not personally attended this event
- Technology: ANGEL Orientation provided by WC Helpdesk
- Weekend College Orientation – This session was run once with the help of Stephanie Edel-Malizia and featured Ike Shibley as a special guest to talk about blended learning.
- Material Resources – limited
- RI instructors may not receive the same level of resources for courses delivered outside of their own facilities or purview of their academic home
- Adjunct instructors are limited from using PSU resources since they may not have PSU ID’s or the time to access them
- Support
- Technical
- Instructional Design – currently only certain blended learning courses are being
- Delivery methods
- F2F
- Blended Learning
- Weekend College: Accelerated & Blended Learning
- Polycom: Videoconferencing
- Academic Partner and CE relationship – greatly varies depending upon the AP