Smartsheet for Task and Project Management

I recently started to use Smartsheet for helping to manage my tasks, duties, and projects. I found an existing template from them and am using it pretty much as-is. Our college has been using Smartsheet for a couple of years now and it’s been very good overall.

My template features a pretty standard array of fields:

  • Task
  • Category
  • Status
  • WBS No.
  • Assigned to
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Duration
  • % Done
  • Comments
  • Predecessors
  • and the standard Smartsheets Conversations (comments), Attachments, etc.

This tool replaces what I had been doing previously. Not long after the start of COVID, I was overwhelmed with work. I don’t mind juggling, but I didn’t even know what I was juggling at that point. My previous system wasn’t working for me so I switched to using hidden, free blocks on an alternate, private Outlook calendar. This helped me to block off time for what I needed to do without cluttering up my main calendar which is shared.

Back to Smartsheet, I’m still able to get a good view of what I need to do and manage everything decently. I’m a visual person, so I’m mostly missing out on the graphical view of a calendar with blocks for time to work on projects. That’s been OK so far. I do have the Gantt feature for larger projects, but I still don’t use that view much. It’s mostly useful for the dates.