A look back at February

It’s been a long month. I really wanted to do weekly reflections, but that just didn’t work out. This post roughly covers topics since my last post, but kind of covers the last 30 days.SPAN 001-003 RevisionsAssessment FeedbackDifferences between SPAN…

It’s been a long month. I really wanted to do weekly reflections, but that just didn’t work out. This post roughly covers topics since my last post, but kind of covers the last 30 days.
SPAN 001-003 Revisions
Assessment Feedback
Differences between SPAN 001 and 003
Roll-over Templates
Audio Files in Assessments
New Instructors don’t touch courses
fixed gradebook
Release Dates and Grades, Early Progress Reports
Editing PDF’s
Fixing Flashcards
Deafblind canceled
OL2000 finishes

TLT Videos

ALA Logistics and Planning for March Session
Gathering Content and Storyboarding
Future action plan based on these reflections?
  • Take a big breath when working on Spanish. We’ve done an incredible amount of work. Patty has assisted me with the majority of our 110 individual tasks since we began tracking them and that list isn’t fully comprehensive.

A “long” look back

It has been a while since I’ve made any posts here in my ePortfolio. I’ve been struggling about how this tool/process fits into my workflow. I’m not the only one struggling to find time and a focus for my ePortfolio….

It has been a while since I’ve made any posts here in my ePortfolio. I’ve been struggling about how this tool/process fits into my workflow. I’m not the only one struggling to find time and a focus for my ePortfolio. The biggest issue I’ve had, like many others, is that I have a wide range of things to track for my courses and projects. Some are very detailed tasks and others are high-level operational updates.

I’m not saying I haven’t done anything. On the contrary, this pilot helped me to develop a GoogleSite that is able to capture almost everything I need for work.
This ePortfolio still has a place for reflection. Frankly, it still seems a little forced since my GoogleSite is more than capable of handling reflective pieces. In fact I could argue that writing my reflections directly in my GoogleSite makes more sense because I have all of the project information there as well. I am going to try to keep my reflections and mention artifacts here, at least until the end of the pilot.
This week has been, yet another. busy one. I started the week off on Sunday, trying to work on my idea for a game engine that I’ve affectionately been calling Otaku. I had a meeting on Monday with Cece Merkel and Tom Wilson to explore this as a potential idea for an M&LD proposal. I wanted to get their feedback whether it would be worth the time. They were both interested in the project and Tom had some great feedback about defining the gameplay of the events more clearly. I had a separate discussion with Dean Blackstock about my project idea and realized that I have a lot of work to do on communicating my ideas more clearly. I have them in my head, but still need to get them down on paper. Dean had a great suggestion to follow through with scenarios that clearly share a narrative about how the game engine might be used in various contexts. El sent me an email later in the week that Rick was aware of my potential proposal and is interested in calling a larger meeting to talk about the game engine and another proposal I had for a voice recognition engine.
My Spanish portfolio continues to demand a lot of my attention. I’m still getting requests to fix elements in the course. One of which was particularly confusing since our student was clearly having problems with a quiz, but we weren’t able to recreate the problem. I’m also working to improve my relationships and communication channels with the instructors. I sat down and met Susana for the first time yesterday and had a wonderful lunch with her. The newest thing I’m trying out is a VoiceThread for our faculty that I hope to keep up with every month. It still in draft, but I’ll post a finalized version when it’s ready.
OL2000 started this week and I got a good start in the class, but still have to get in there to finish this week’s assignments and meet more of my class. Two instructors I am supporting are in the class with me, so that’s very cool. I love to see instructors taking the initiative to expand their horizons. I hope to teach OL2000 again soon. It’s a great experience.
I’ve got a lot do to this upcoming week. Most of it has to do with preparing the SPAN faculty for SU ’11.

SPAN Courses

Transition to Courses 001, 002, 003, & 131Background/History on the coursesWenyi, original designersJuan did a revision 2 years ago (?), no IPS (sometimes Sing)lot of graded assignments, grade book overwhelminglot of flash elements in 1, 2, 3131 is a little…

Transition to Courses 001, 002, 003, & 131

Background/History on the courses

  • Wenyi, original designers
  • Juan did a revision 2 years ago (?), no IPS (sometimes Sing)
  • lot of graded assignments, grade book overwhelming
  • lot of flash elements in 1, 2, 3
  • 131 is a little different, all content in HTML, instructor wants a lot of freedom, everything in lessons tab is managed by the instructor, just keep an eye on things, not changing course content
  • all instructors are very friendly, willing to work with us, easy to take care of
  • they have E-Live sessions (set up by the instructor and students themselves), bi-weekly w/ students, and s-s interaction (links to recordings to T)
  • exams: non-proctored, timed; they have been converted into Asssessments
  • two to three section, 131 has one section
  • Harrisburg is merged with WC version, why?
  • PA: Kelly Ball, all communication; PM: Sue Repine
  • 131 will have a new textbook in July, Fall revision for Summer ’11 new version
  • they run every semester
  • instructors are generally very consistent

Check in PACTS for materials, If Kathy doesn’t update me about new versions assume that we’ll use the customized version of the materials.

Generally just the course schedule get’s updated each semseter.

student home pages also need to be updated each semester

peer evals are not used

ask instructors when to start and end specific lesson folders, T’s want to open and close at different times, maybe a week before or after; they want to do this because they want to guard against future cheating

i should ask them for more questions to use in questions pools

Rox and Maria, sec 1 and 2 (002) are slightly different
be sure to pick up the phone!

131 – first book Burns book is coming out in July
revision usually just changes readings
instructor has a lot of ideas for RI courses, might be able to apply them for the summer revision; Tim Wilsie (revision author) 25% revision… Andrea should we beef up the revision? maybe 50%? depends on the changes made to the new textbook

give instructor 131 one month of time before the course opens to make his changes, he’ll make all of the changes except of the syllabus

real-to-real not from DEV space