TLT Videos
- Take a big breath when working on Spanish. We’ve done an incredible amount of work. Patty has assisted me with the majority of our 110 individual tasks since we began tracking them and that list isn’t fully comprehensive.
Advancing learning one byte at a time
It’s been a long month. I really wanted to do weekly reflections, but that just didn’t work out. This post roughly covers topics since my last post, but kind of covers the last 30 days.SPAN 001-003 RevisionsAssessment FeedbackDifferences between SPAN…
TLT Videos
It has been a while since I’ve made any posts here in my ePortfolio. I’ve been struggling about how this tool/process fits into my workflow. I’m not the only one struggling to find time and a focus for my ePortfolio….
It has been a while since I’ve made any posts here in my ePortfolio. I’ve been struggling about how this tool/process fits into my workflow. I’m not the only one struggling to find time and a focus for my ePortfolio. The biggest issue I’ve had, like many others, is that I have a wide range of things to track for my courses and projects. Some are very detailed tasks and others are high-level operational updates.
Transition to Courses 001, 002, 003, & 131Background/History on the coursesWenyi, original designersJuan did a revision 2 years ago (?), no IPS (sometimes Sing)lot of graded assignments, grade book overwhelminglot of flash elements in 1, 2, 3131 is a little…
Transition to Courses 001, 002, 003, & 131
Background/History on the courses
Check in PACTS for materials, If Kathy doesn’t update me about new versions assume that we’ll use the customized version of the materials.
Generally just the course schedule get’s updated each semseter.
student home pages also need to be updated each semester
peer evals are not used
ask instructors when to start and end specific lesson folders, T’s want to open and close at different times, maybe a week before or after; they want to do this because they want to guard against future cheating
i should ask them for more questions to use in questions pools
Rox and Maria, sec 1 and 2 (002) are slightly different
be sure to pick up the phone!
131 – first book Burns book is coming out in July
revision usually just changes readings
instructor has a lot of ideas for RI courses, might be able to apply them for the summer revision; Tim Wilsie (revision author) 25% revision… Andrea should we beef up the revision? maybe 50%? depends on the changes made to the new textbook
give instructor 131 one month of time before the course opens to make his changes, he’ll make all of the changes except of the syllabus
real-to-real not from DEV space