MT4 doesn’t like PNG’s

Just a little head’s up to my fellow ePortfolio bloggers… I just discovered that MT4 prefers JPG images over PNG’s. If you try to add a PNG and want to have MT4 create a thumbnail, you’ll get an error. Just…

Just a little head’s up to my fellow ePortfolio bloggers… I just discovered that MT4 prefers JPG images over PNG’s. If you try to add a PNG and want to have MT4 create a thumbnail, you’ll get an error. Just convert your PNG’s into JPG’s and you’re golden!

When uploading your images, I highly recommend saving the images into a folder called “images” so that your root directory doesn’t get mobbed with random images. You’ll have to type in the name of your folder every time however and the folder doesn’t show up when you click on the “Choose Folder” list in MT4, but rest assured, it is there.
mt4 image upload.jpgYou may also want to clean up the HTML a little bit. Just switch the editor into “HTML mode” and delete “<br /> <div><br /></div>” or similar extra code at the bottom of your page.


Tagging: MT4 compared to and ThoughtFarmer

I just made a screencast to show the differences between tagging in MT4, the Blogs@PSU tool, and ThoughtFarmer. All three platforms handle tagging in different ways. Frankly, the tool is my favorite because it allows me to easily…

I just made a screencast to show the differences between tagging in MT4, the Blogs@PSU tool, and ThoughtFarmer. All three platforms handle tagging in different ways. Frankly, the tool is my favorite because it allows me to easily see all of my tags at once and still create new ones very easily.

This screencast was created using my favorite screencasting software, ScreenFlow. This screencast took 2 hr and 21 min to create. I recorded my actions first, edited that footage, recorded a narration, and then edited the audio and video together. I’m still working on how best to create screencasts that are a balance between a well produced piece and something that doesn’t take too long to record.

World Campus Learning Design ePortfolio Pilot Workshop

Attending a workshop today that is a primer to ePortfolios here at Learning Design. Here are some notes from the meeting:Had beginnings when Ken Udas was here – Personalized Learning SubcommitteeFixing/improving the SRDP process – this isn’t a replacement to…

Attending a workshop today that is a primer to ePortfolios here at Learning Design. Here are some notes from the meeting:

  • Had beginnings when Ken Udas was here – Personalized Learning Subcommittee
  • Fixing/improving the SRDP process – this isn’t a replacement to the formal SRDP process
  • Jamie: this will help establish a better “conversation” or “relationship” between you and your supervisor
  • used to reflect on prof and personal growth; serve as online storage container; assist w/ performance assessment
  • consider the privacy vs. public nature of the ePortfolio
  • Jamie showed this blog as an example and this one by Carla
  • How are we going to assess this pilot? (a good question for other pilots as well… hint: 8171A)
  • ePortfolios at Penn State Website

Here are some components I want to add to my blog:

  • a section on your experience
  • a warmer welcome message and photo on the main page – build an identity
  • awards and honors
  • conferences?
  • customize my banner
  • possibly delete my “About” page
  • profession development – add as individual entries
  • put a link/message from my Tiddlywiki to this blog

Test link to search for “faculty development” tags – looks like I can use these types of links to make it easier for users to find content on my blogs

Some good people to talk with: Dean and Jamie have both been using Blogs@PSU for a while and Jamie mentioned working with another member to work out little problems.

WCLD ePortfolio Pilot

I just spoke with Patty about joining the pilot after getting the nod from El and Rick. I don’t have all my notes with me right now, but from what I recall, the pilot is a year-long project to get…

I just spoke with Patty about joining the pilot after getting the nod from El and Rick. I don’t have all my notes with me right now, but from what I recall, the pilot is a year-long project to get users comfortable using Blogs@PSU as a supplement to PSU’s Staff Review and Development Plan (SRDP) process.

I’m really excited to be apart of the pilot. I even created a root-level page that lists the other [awesome] participants in this pilot. I’m kind of joining the game a little late and might miss some of the kick-off events, but I’ll work hard to catch up.

I mentioned a few things about the pilot to Patty based on my limited knowledge of MT4 and blogging in general.

  1. MT4 doesn’t have a way of displaying a user’s list of tags at once – I found this a very useful feature in other blogging tools; what I do is literally hit every single letter in the alphabet and see which tags apply for any given post
  2. Web Analytics – I’m using Google Analytics to check the traffic on my blog, it’s a great way to justify or plan work I’m doing in my blog… once I get some visitors that is
  3. When to blog – just had a minor comment that we some users may chose to work on a pretty flexible schedule while others will like an hour or two each week to focus on blogging
  4. ePortfolios to replace SRDP’s – yea! but that’ll never happen 🙁

There’s a lot to MT4 I still don’t know. I would like to learn about best practices regarding:

  1. Categories – what the heck are they?
  2. Trackbacks – see above…
  3. Keywords – how are these different in use from tags?
  4. Widgets – what the heck are these?
  5. Preferences – anything in particular we should or shouldn’t be doing?
  6. Publishing related to aggregating post contents – Is it better to create a new post or update an old one? If one updates an old one, does that mean we should change the publish date? If we change the publish date, then we have to be careful of changing the URL. So, does that then mean we go back to previous posts and just add links to newer, related links?
  7. Importing/Exporting – when might we use it?
  8. What to put on my front page?

Thing I still want to do with my blog:

  1. Customize my blog’s appearance
  2. Possible to post audio? Think blogs + RSS + atoms = podcasting!

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