Configured the PennTAP Business Presentation with Google Analytics

I just finished configuring the presentation I recently completed for PennTAP with Google Analytics. Their interface has changed for the better. It took me a little while to get used to the new dashboard. It is much easier to navigate…

I just finished configuring the presentation I recently completed for PennTAP with Google Analytics. Their interface has changed for the better. It took me a little while to get used to the new dashboard. It is much easier to navigate between profiles and find different reports.

Implementing the code is the easy part. What I need is a crash course in analytics. I understand some of the basics, but have a lot to learn about how to interpret the data to affect change.

This project stands out a little differently because unlike tracking data for a website, we’re looking to gather information about a single webpage with an Adobe Captivate presentation (26 min 34 sec). I was told that these metrics will be useful for achieving a goal of 1750 participants. There’s a lot to be interpreted by this number. Are we looking for 1750 unique visits for the total duration of the presentation? This wouldn’t account for the person that starts to watch the presentation for 10 min then has to leave to watch the last half of the presentation at a later time. We can’t track individual users this way.

A better approach would have been to use an ANGEL group and have each participant logged into the roster. There may still be time to implement this approach. These kinds of important details should have been discussed at the beginning of the project.

Accessibility: Triage Web Remediation

Christian gave a great presentation about how the PSU community can triage (turn one huge problem into a queue of smaller, more manageable problems handled through an iterative process) our commitment to the NFB agreement.I’ve posted my initial notes online.I…

Christian gave a great presentation about how the PSU community can triage (turn one huge problem into a queue of smaller, more manageable problems handled through an iterative process) our commitment to the NFB agreement.

I’ve posted my initial notes online.

I had a number of questions, but the big one for us would be: Does triage apply to our course content? We would expect that the “long tail” of any of our given courses would look different from a “normal” website since every page should expect to see significant traffic. How do we even go about gathering data on web traffic? Should we be using Google Analytics?

MT4 and Google Analytics

Been talking with Mike Brooks about using GAnalytics in our ePortfolios here. I’m definitely getting data on individual blog entries as well as on my “static” pages.Disclaimer: I’m very new to GAnalytics and I might very do more damage than…

Been talking with Mike Brooks about using GAnalytics in our ePortfolios here. I’m definitely getting data on individual blog entries as well as on my “static” pages.

Disclaimer: I’m very new to GAnalytics and I might very do more damage than good. Things seem to be working for me, but proceed with some caution.

UPDATE: Mike just found a potentially better way to implement your code:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Enter your ePortfolio blog if you have more than one blog
  3. Design menu
  4. Templates menu item
  5. Select the Footer template module
  6. Paste your code before the “</body>” tag
  7. Save your changes and that’s it (we hope)!

Based on work I did in an earlier entry (3/16/10)
Adding the code into the static pages was easy enough:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Enter your ePortfolio blog if you have more than one blog
  3. Manage tab
  4. Pages menu item
  5. Select the page you want to track
  6. Switch viewing modes to edit HTML
  7. Paste your Analytics script at the bottom of the page (example of my code-do not use this code in your blog!)
  8. Click on Save

Adding the code so that I could track individual entries was a little trickier:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Enter your ePortfolio blog if you have more than one blog
  3. Design menu
  4. Templates menu item
  5. Click on the link for the template “Blog Index”
  6. Paste your code before the line “<$mt:Include module=”Footer”$>”
  7. Click on Save

I’m starting to get some data, but I’ll probably need some help interpreting all of the charts and graphs from GAnalytics 🙁

Google Analytics

I attended a Brown Bag Lunch seminar on Web Analytics this afternoon. The discussion covered the forming an next steps of this new community. Lots of their initial information can be found at the Google Analytics/Web Analytics User Community wiki….

I attended a Brown Bag Lunch seminar on Web Analytics this afternoon. The discussion covered the forming an next steps of this new community. Lots of their initial information can be found at the Google Analytics/Web Analytics User Community wiki. There is a website on Webstandards, Accessibility, and Usability at Penn State that the community wants to use for expanding on the topic of analytics. I have been wanting to try out analytics and took this opportunity to install analytics on my Tiddlywiki and this blog. I tried to do the same at Our.Outreach and the Fac Dev NING, but those sites kept stripping out the script necessary to track page visits. I still don’t have much of an idea of what I’m doing so I’ll have to train on the subject more from Google’s website.

This is the code for this blog:

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”);
document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + gaJsHost + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”));
<script type=”text/javascript”>
try {
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-15285145-1”);
} catch(err) {}</script>

var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”); document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + gaJsHost + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”)); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-15285145-1”); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}