Tech Tip: Using templates in Box Notes

By Ryan Johnson

A new templates feature was recently added to Box Notes. Templates allow you to quickly create a Box Note using pre-populated content. You can choose from a set of default templates, or use custom templates that you or your team has created. This is useful when you need to create a Box Note using a standard format or structure, like meeting agendas, project plans, or calendars.

To create a note from an existing template, click on the arrow beside the New button in the Box Notes Sidebar. In the dropdown that appears, click Note from Template.

Next, choose a template from the following screen:

You can use one of the default templates from Box or use a custom template that you have created or that you are a collaborator in.

To create a custom template, first create a new box note.

Next, fill this new note with the contents of your template, then open the More Options () menu in the upper right corner and select Set this as a Template.

This note is now a template.