Are you a current Penn State student looking for some GIS help for a project or thesis or dissertation? Are you a PSU employee who wants to update your GIS skills or find out what geospatial technologies are all about? Are you interested in some maps of campus? There are many groups across the University that use GIS and can help you with any of those things and much more.

Information on Logging into ArcGIS Online and acquiring ArcGIS Pro can be found here.

Here at Penn State, we have an campus wide GIS users group.  This is a volunteer run group that is made up of GIS professionals from across the University Park Campus. We meet every 6 weeks (or so) to discuss geospatial issues and to keep each other informed about our efforts and practices. Anyone who has an interest in applying geospatial technologies or sciences to their work should feel free to join us.  Please feel free to peruse our meeting minutes in the upper right of this page.  More info can be found by emailing Tara Anthony, tll38@psu.edu.

Join the email list of the GIS Users group: In Microsoft Outlook, under groups, click Discover Groups, search for PSU GIS Working Group. Click Join Group. Email for the PSU GIS Working Group: psugisworkinggroup@PennStateOffice365.onmicrosoft.com



  1. jpl1

    Hi all,
    I’m experimenting with building a 3D model incorporating a USGS Lidar scan I’m downloaded (.laz and .las). For the life of me I’m not finding any app that can view or open it. I’ve been through all the PSU public lab apps (Autodesk, ArcGIS, Solidworks) as well as a couple 3rd party conversion apps at home.

    Can anyone point me to a workflow, app, or group to help get a topo point cloud into SketchUp or AutoDesk?

    Thanks in advance,
    Jon Leslie

  2. fum176

    Hi! When is the next meeting? I am a Postodc in EMS, and we are creating an interactive map in the context of Big Data/machine learning. I’d like some help and feedback, please.
    Francisco Mendoza

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