There were over 70 submissions to the RESNA Student Design Competition, and tÜthbrush was awarded first prize

There were over 70 submissions to the RESNA Student Design Competition, and tÜthbrush was awarded first prize
tÜthbrush (University of Central Florida) wins first prize in 2017 RESNA Student Design Competition, and was named as the TREAT award winner
ChairStairs, an assistive technology device for independent wheelchair-to-ground transfers
A software tool to evaluate efficiency of access
ShuffleSpeller supports accurate letter prediction for users with less-than-trustworthy access methods
This product facilitate the plugging and unplugging of electronic cords
MODU is designed to assist those who face challenges in mobility
The AXIS folding wheelchair transfer board was designed to promote user independence by streamlining the process of transferring in and out of a wheelchair.
This system allows its users to fully engage with their home’s physical characteristics.
It was our goal to work with our client to develop a way for him to resume his favorite hobby and regain back part of his life