In-line CSS and Left and Right-alignment on a single line of text

In a few lesson pages in SRA 111, we have two different topics on the same page. The content appears sequentially on the page. I needed a solution to let visitors know that below the first chunk of content, there was indeed a second chunk of content.

I found information on two websites that have helped me with a possible solution:

With this information, I was able to code the following…

<h2 style=”text-align: left;”>[Title of Content Chunk 1] <span style=”float: right;”><a href=”#chunk2″>[Title of Content Chunk 2]</a></span></h2>

<hr />
<h2><a id=”chunk2″></a>[Title of Content Chunk 2]</h2>

The top of the page looks like this…


And the link takes the user down to where the <id> tag is…

screenshot of second chunk of content

While not an entirely standard way of formatting text in our lessons, I’m going to try this out and see how it works for now. It’s better than not doing anything!

Calibration of Evaluations and Norms

The College just hosted a conversation about what performance evaluations might look like in the future. I for one am glad we had this conversation because it really does benefit everyone. If we’re all exceptional, then no one is exceptional. I believe that some people do have banner years and they should be rewarded for that extra effort. Everyone I know works hard and getting a “successful” rating is perfectly fine with me.

I had some concerns that this calibration effort might be out-of-step with what is being done elsewhere at the University, but frankly, I’m not part of the University-wide HR team and it’s beyond my purview. I’ve chosen to work here and can only hope that my hard work is recognized as being “successful.”

Rita had a good point about some folks would appreciate a little more structure, but I’m glad the College isn’t coming out of the gate with that structure – even though I’m one of those that would do better with it. One of the truths of the matter is that we’re not all apples. It’ll be difficult for the supervisors to work through the calibration meetings, but I appreciate their effort. We have very different responsibilities and they are not all easily comparable and therefore the language to describe achievement will not always be “from the same dictionary.” I like that those involved understand that there may be more art-than-science in the process and I’m confident from what I heard today that they will take the time to attempt to calibrate evaluations across the College.

It was a great show of leadership from the Dean down to the supervisors. I’m looking forward for the upcoming review process.

‘Tis the season

Only a couple more weeks left before the winter break. Wohoo! Time to move it into high gear for the spring 2017 semester!

On the first day of Christmas, my semester gave to me:

  1. another online section of IST 111S to teach
  2. holiday lunches
  3. course revisions to launch
  4. new faculty to welcome
  5. student-interns to send off for the break
  6. changes to Course Templates
  7. peer reviews to configure
  8. courses to QA
  9. quiz questions to update
  10. projects to juggle
  11. complaints about LionPath
  12. complaints about LionPath

A present from one of our student-interns…

Ronda, Kristina, Amy, Laura, Ariana, Howard, Trisha, Brian; Ava, Michael, Nathan, Kent, Chris