Monthly Archives: February 2020

GIS UG Meeting Minutes -2/10/2020

Penn State GIS Working Group, Monday, Feb 10, 2020: 1-2pm, Mann Assembly Room

Attendees: R. Phillips, H. Ross., J. Vender, C. Brewer, N. Piekielek, J. Spayd, J. Detwiler, Y. Bodovski, T. Anthony, J. Beekman, H. Greatrex, K. Goessling, L. Yi

Discussion items

Updates from the Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps and Geospatial Information

Maps and Geospatial Assistant position: Part-time position with openings for Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021

– New Blog posts on Maps and GIS sites page: Recent blogs included: Migrating to ArcGIS Pro, Insights for ArcGIS: Creating Interactive Dashboards, Using ArcGIS Online Analysis Tools: Conducting Online Analysis, and Learning through the Esri Academy.

-Completion of 1950s Aerial Photo Scanning Project

-GIS and Geography Education Event: May 11 (Day prior to PAGIS conference)

Overall Usage of Penn State ArcGIS Online Account: (J. Detwiler)

-Dashboard with summary of data on types of users by admin area, and college, logins, and unique users

-Discussion of future uses of this information, Raw data available for those interested, possible future Penn State GIS Day talk on ArcGIS Online usage (Nov 2020)

-J. Detwiler attending Esri Dev Summit: looking for requests for ArcGIS Online enhancements/improvmenets

OPP: Campus Imagery

Geography: New Hires, Future Masters in Spatial Data Science program being proposed

Review of Geographic Information Science (GIS&T) Body of Knowledge

Next Meeting: Post Spring Break

GIS UG Meeting Minutes – 12/11/19


Spayd, R. Baxter, J. Detwiler, T. Anthony, Y. Bodovksi, N. Piekielek, D. Meehan, H. Ross, J. Beekman

General Discussion 

-Updates to ArcGIS Online: New Map features are in Beta, new icons and screens when sharing

-Penn State ArcGIS Online account: Dashboard on usage

-PASDA updates: new imagery, partial coverage of parcels for the state, new .las files for campus

-Center for Maps and GIS updates:  Working with new classes in the Spring with ArcGIS Online (Spanish 100 and 200), Aerial photo project still underway and in the process of getting photos to fill in

Next Meeting:

-Around the week of 1/22 (6 weeks). Scheduled for 2/10 at 1pm in Mann Assembly Room (103 Paterno Library)