Meet 220: Tami Confer

“Meet 220” is a series of posts featuring staff of the Smeal Professional Graduate Programs. “220” refers to the suite of offices within the Business Building where the team is housed.

Tami Confer, Managing Director for the Online Supply Chain Master’s and Certificate Programs, Professional Graduate Programs

What’s your role with the Smeal PGP office?

I am the Managing Director for the Online Supply Chain Master’s and Certificate Programs.  I have a wide range of duties including, but not limited to, academic and student services, advising, admissions and recruiting.  I collaborate with various University departments to plan, develop and coordinate our programs services that assist students in the successful completion of their Continue reading

Meet Michelle Darnell

“Meet 220” is a series of posts featuring staff of the Smeal Professional Graduate Programs. “220” refers to the suite of offices within the Business Building where the team is housed.

Michelle Darnell, Director of Honor & Integrity, Management & Organizations, Smeal College of Business

What’s your role with the Smeal College community?

I hold two positions at Smeal: Director of Honor & Integrity, and Associate Clinical Professor in the Management & Organization department. I love that I get to strike a balance between these roles every day. In my classes, I strive to help others develop various skills related to ethical leadership in an organizational context. Continue reading

Meet 220: Michelle Rockower

“Meet 220” is a series of posts featuring staff of the Smeal Professional Graduate Programs. “220” refers to the suite of offices within the Business Building where the team is housed.

Michelle Rockower, Online Programs Coordinator, Professional Graduate Programs

What’s your role with the Smeal PGP office?

I am an Online Programs Coordinator for several masters’ degrees and graduate certificates. I complete a very wide range of tasks on a daily basis, which I love. I could be chatting with an online student about the admissions process one moment and in a program planning meeting the next. I am involved in the details, but I also have the ability to help coordinate and influence the direction of the programs.

What did you do prior to coming to Smeal?

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Meet 220: Brian Cameron

“Meet 220” is a series of posts featuring staff of the Smeal Professional Graduate Programs. “220” refers to the suite of offices within the Business Building where the team is housed.

Dr. Brian Cameron, PhD. Associate Dean, Professional Graduate Programs

What’s your role with the Smeal PGP office?

I lead the design, development, and management of the evolving portfolio of professional masters programs and graduate certificates within the Smeal College of Business. Continue reading