Water Electrolyzers and membranes
- New: World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC), Istanbul. Green hydrogen using novel water electrolyzers and next-generation microbial electrolysis cells. WHEC-ppt-BruceLogan. (6-27-22)
- H2 production by water electrolysis using seawater, using reverse osmosis (RO) membranes: Water Electrolyzers Seminar slides (pdf) (11-4-20)
- Links to stories: PSU News story and TV newstory
MFC Powerpoint Presentations (pdf files)
- AEESP Lecture at University of Michigan (2015): Microbial Fuel Cell Technologies for Renewable Power and Biofuels Production From Waste Biomass- 2×3 pdf file. Link to video.
- ISMET International Meeting (2015): Consideration of cathode specific surface area and hydrodynamics in scaling up microbial fuel cells (October 1-3, Tempe, AZ)
- Stanford/GCEP Meeting (2012): Introduction to MFCs and MECs, and using MECs to produce methane-pdf file. Link to the Video Presentation (October 11, 2012)
- General presentation (2008): Microbial fuel cells and microbial electrolysis cells
- Paul L. Busch Award Ceremony at the WERF Subscriber Luncheon (2004): Harvesting Energy from Wastewater Treatment using MFCs
MFC Videos
- Interview (2013): ByteSize Science, about MFCs. This is a really popular video for a general audience, about MFCs in 2013.
- National Science Foundation (NSF)/Green Revolution (2010): Professional video on MFCs for wastewater treatment. This is another video targeted at a general audience.
- The MFC Technology page on YouTube (different years): Website link for many YouTube videos on MFCs and H2. ( Videos on types of MFCs, how to make cathodes for air cathode MFCs, and mini-MECs.
- Tour the Logan Lab (2015): A quick overview of the Logan lab with video of the different MFCs and other types of reactors. E3I Video.
- University of Michigan, AEESP Lecture (2015): Microbial fuel cell technologies for renewable power and biofuels production
- Princeton University (2014): Microbial fuel cells and reverse electrodialysis technologies.
- Stanford/GCEP Meeting (2012): Introduction to MFCs and MECs, and using MECs to produce methane-pdf file. Link to the Video Introduction to MFCs and MECs, and using MECs to produce methane-pdf file. Link to thePresentation (October 11, 2012)
- The Clarke Prize Conference (2012): Microbial fuel cells meet salinity gradient energy: A summary of MFC advances and how we can capture energy from salinity gradients.
- Interview (2011): Penn State on MFCs (2011)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (2010): Lecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), March 2, 2010 on MFCs and and MECs
- TV News Story (2009): ABC television news story about pilot-scale reactor at the Napa Winery Company (newspage only, link not working) (on WABC site) (September 2009)
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and Salinity Gradient Energy (SGE) Powerpoint presentation
- General Lecture in Spring 2014: MFCs and SGE (salinity gradient energy).
Salinity Gradient Energy (SGE) Powerpoint presentations (pdf files)
- Clarke Prize Conference (2014). “Using reverse electrodialysis and capacitive mixing to extract energy from salinity gradients (or waste heat)”.
Salinity Gradient Energy (SGE) Videos
- AEESP Lecture at Drexel University (2015): Energy generation from water: Just add salt. (February 11, 2015; on the Drexel University website)
- AEESP Lecture at UNC Chapel Hill (2015). Video: “Energy generation from water: Just add salt”. (on YouTube)
- Clarke Prize Conference (2014). “Using reverse electrodialysis and capacitive mixing to extract energy from salinity gradients (or waste heat)”. (On YouTube, length 25 minutes)
- Slides: How to conduct an HBOD test: ppt version, or the pdf version
Perchlorate (Slides, 2007 Perchlorate Conference, Ontario CA)
- Introduction and overview: Perchlorate remediation overview
- Laboratory reactors: Sand reactors
- Laboratory reactors: Using hydrogen
- Pilot-scale reactors: SandPilot
- Pilot-scale reactors: Plastic-media Pilot reactor
- Penn State WPSU Interview on hydrogen fuel cells (video, 2009): What are hydrogen fuel cells? (video)
- Penn State on H2 (video, 2008): Making H2 a reality
- Hydrogen Day at Penn State (video, 2004): Presentation by Kathleen McGinty, Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
- Hydrogen Day at Penn State (video, 2004): Introduction to conference [disconnected]
Energy Use & Climate change
To address climate change we need to better understand how much energy we use and the carbon emissions that result from our activities. These presentations cover a range of topics, such as the need for carbon capture and sequestration and energy use. We can examine energy use in terms of the daily energy unit D, defined as the energy in the food we eat, and carbon emissions C or the CO2 released from eating that food.
- New: “Digging Deeper” with President Eric Barron, Bruce Logan, Erica Smithwick on climate change.
- Bruce Logan and Erica Smithwick discuss the need for carbon capture in this short YouTube video.
- PSU news story on how we use energy, based on the ACS Energy Letters Viewpoint online or the pdf file
- Video of seminar on “You need to learn more about your daily energy use and carbon emissions to better understand the challenges of slowing climate change” (1-27-21). Linked to Penn State CEE department website.
- Video of seminar on “Daily energy use and carbon emissions” (1-20-21). On the iFAST website.
- This YouTube video explains the unit D with a narrative.
- This power point presentation on D has animation, and is the same as the YouTube video, except there is no voice over.
- Download the editorial from ES&T Letters on the Energy Unit D.
Advice on Professional Development
These presentations cover advice on making presentations, choosing research topics, improving your writing style, and the journey to tenure. They are available in ppt or pptx format for downloading, or pdf versions which are smaller files but they have no animation (which could be helpful for some slides). Some of the presentations contain material that overlap content with other ones.
- Figures in presentations, papers and TOC art. (1-11-18). [pdf version]
- Making effective powerpoint presentations: powerpoint file (1-10-18)
- Advice- research topics and creativity (7-10-17). [pdf version]
- Writing pointers- Figures and Style. 7-10-17 (ppt file) (7-10-17). General pointers for writing papers. [Writing pointers- pdf version]
- Getting Tenure: not just a destination. 7-9-17 (ppt file). This is a lecture primarily aimed at new faculty on managing your time and finding ways to be successful– following your transition from student to becoming a mentor and advisor to researchers in your new group. [pdf version]
Other videos
- What if unused resources could power sustainable energy? A short video Penn State prepared on my general research on cleaning water and producing electricity. [June 6, 2019]
- The value of an Endowed Chair to a researcher. This is a short (1 minute) interview where I was asked to comment on how having an endowed professor position has helped my research and my career.
Publishing in ES&T and ES&T Letters
Interested in publishing in Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) or ES&T Letters? As the former (and founding) Editor of ES&T Letters, I am often asked to give a presentation on the journals, with an emphasis on what it takes to successfully get a manuscript published in the journal.