

Water Electrolyzers and membranes

MFC Powerpoint Presentations (pdf files)

MFC Videos

Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and Salinity Gradient Energy (SGE) Powerpoint presentation

Salinity Gradient Energy (SGE) Powerpoint presentations (pdf files)

Salinity Gradient Energy (SGE) Videos


Perchlorate (Slides, 2007 Perchlorate Conference, Ontario CA)




Energy Use & Climate change

To address climate change we need to better understand how much energy we use and the carbon emissions that result from our activities. These presentations cover a range of topics, such as the need for carbon capture and sequestration and energy use. We can examine energy use in terms of the daily energy unit D, defined as the energy in the food we eat, and carbon emissions C or the CO2 released from eating that food.

Advice on Professional Development

These presentations cover advice on making presentations, choosing research topics, improving your writing style, and the journey to tenure. They are available in ppt or pptx format for downloading, or pdf versions which are smaller files but they have no animation (which could be helpful for some slides). Some of the presentations contain material that overlap content with other ones.

Other videos

Publishing in ES&T and ES&T Letters

Interested in publishing in Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) or ES&T Letters? As the former (and founding) Editor of ES&T Letters, I am often asked to give a presentation on the journals, with an emphasis on what it takes to successfully get a manuscript published in the journal.

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