ISKO 2008 — Montréal. Call for Papers
10th biennial ISKO Conference
Culture and Identity in Knowledge Organization
Official Call is OPEN
The 10th biennial International Conference of the International
Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) is organised and hosted by
the École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information,
Université de Montréal.
Previous ISKO conferences took place in Darmstadt (1990), Madras
(1992), Copenhagen (1994), Washington (1996), Lille (1998), Toronto
(2000), Granada (2002), London (2004) and Vienna (2006).
Time and Place of ISKO 2008: Tuesday 5 to Friday 8 of August 2008, at
the Université de Montréal (Québec, Canada).
Conference Theme: Culture and Identity in Knowledge Organization.
The proposed research topics for this edition include:
Epistemological Foundations in KO
Models and Methods
Systems and Tools Ethics
KO for Libraries, Archives, and Museums
Non-Textual Materials
KO in Multilingual Environments
Users and Social Context
Discourse Communities and KO
KO for Information Management and Retrieval
Types of Contributions Accepted to ISKO 2008
Research papers, posters, and workshop proposals are accepted for
this conference.
The authors should clearly outline the central objective or
hypothesis of the research, and present preliminary or intermediary
results. If authors intend to present their most recent findings (not
yet available at the submission date) at the conference, they should
clearly indicate their potential significance. Research-in-progress
papers may also be submitted but may not be retained if underdeveloped.
Research Papers
Professionals and researchers are invited to submit abstracts with a
maximum of 1500 words for full and research-in-progress papers by
November 9th, 2007. Full papers that are not accepted might be
retained as posters.
Professionals and researchers are invited to submit abstracts with a
maximum of 500 words for posters by November 9th, 2007.
Workshop Proposals
Submission for workshops are also invited.
Review of Contributions
The international programme committee will review the abstracts, and
authors will be notified of decisions by December 14th 2007. The
deadlines for submission of papers for the printed conference
proceedings are below. All abstracts should be submitted through
email ( by November 9th 2007. Late submission will
not be eligible for consideration.
Guidelines for Submission of Abstract
First page should include the following information (copy&paste in
your document):
Tenth International ISKO Conference
Montréal, August 58, 2008
Author name(s): {fill in}
Affiliation(s): {fill in}
Full contact information: {fill in}
Title: {fill in}
Conference topic: {fill in}
Type of submission: {Paper / Poster / Workshop}
Number of words: {fill in}
The abstract should follow on the second page (no name should appear
on this page).
Format: Word or RTF.
Conference Chair
Dr. Clément Arsenault, Associate Professor,
École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information.
Université de Montréal, Canada. E-mail:
Programme Chair
Dr. Joseph T. Tennis, Assistant Professor,
The Information School of the University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
Poster Session Chair
Dr. Michèle Hudon, Associate Professor,
École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information.
Université de Montréal, Canada. E-mail:
Programme Committee
To be announced soon (please check the website).
Authors will be requested to submit their final accepted
contributions using the ISKO 2008 formatting guidelines.
Valid Document Formats: Microsoft Word (.doc) and Rich Text Format
Submission for Accepted Papers and Posters
Papers — max. 7 pages (~3500 word). Papers will be published in
the printed proceedings.
Posters — max. 2 pages (~1000 words). Posters will be published
on the website.
To prepare your camera ready manuscript you must use and conform
to the ISKO 2008 paper template or to the ISKO 2008 poster template.
The templates and guidelines will be posted on the website at a later
Failure to conform to templates will lead to paper rejection from
Proceedings and Conference.
The working language of the conference is English.
Important Dates
Abstract submission, deadline: November 9th 2007.
Notification of acceptance of paper submissions: December 14th 2007.
Notification of acceptance of posters: January 18th 2008.
Camera ready papers due in MS Word/RTF format: 1st March 2008.