Proposals Submission Deadline Extended: 9/30/2007
Full Articles Due: 1/30/2008
Handbook of Research on Collaborative Learning using Concept Mapping
A book edited by
Patricia Lupion Torres PhD.
Universidade Catolica do Parana (PUCPR), Brazil &
Rita de Cassia Veiga Marriott MEd.
University of Birmingham/UK & Universidade Catolica do Parana/Brazil
The new socioeconomic and technological pressures arising from an unparalleled globalised world require that current methodological solutions be reviewed. At such a unique conjuncture, with unprecedented resources, the opportunity of making learning situations more flexible and of advancing, enriching and socializing them must not be missed.
Educators are seeking new methodologies to respond to the demand for personal education and knowledge acquisition and production. A study by Laister & Kober (2005) identified a number of reasons for the success of Collaborative Learning (CL) as a teaching approach. Of these reasons, the following stand out: 1. the effectiveness of both short-term learning, in terms of the subject / material being studied, and long-term learning, in terms of cognitive skills and self-esteem; 2. when CL is compared with individual and competitive learning scenarios, it can be seen to help students perform better by increasing their ability to resolve problems and helping develop personality traits that will be of benefit to them in both their academic and professional lives; and 3. CL empowers the individual and gives him/her the skills to live a more independent, collaborative and pleasant life.
Collaborative learning thus offers the possibility of methodological innovation. It represents a significant shift away from the typical classroom, where the teacher places him/herself at the centre of the process. In CL, students, or students and teachers, unite their intellectual efforts and generally work in groups of two or more with the aim to understand, solve, create or determine the meaning of a subject together. Activities revolve around the exploration or use of course material by students rather than a simple presentation or explanation by the teacher. In collaborative work, students are inevitably faced with differences and must make an effort to work with these differences. Developing the ability to tolerate and resolve issues, to come to agreements that respect all the members of the group and to take an interest in colleagues’ progress are crucial skills for community life. Development of these values and skills is generally relegated to the student’s life “outside” the school environment. Encouraging teamwork, a sense of community and leadership skills are legitimate and valuable aims for the classroom rather than just for outside it. (SMITH & MacGREGOR, 1992, p. 2)
At the same time, the technological advances that have taken place in this new knowledge society have made it much easier both to access and to disseminate this know-how. Nevertheless, in spite of the extraordinary advances in communications and in all areas of knowledge, the enormous amount of information available has given rise to concerns and worries among teachers the world over regarding how to understand and learn about the information that is being disseminated and use it to construct new meanings.
Concept Mapping is a way of representing the information visually which is beginning to be implemented at all educational levels in many institutions worldwide. It was developed by Novak and his team in 1972 while working on a 12-year project with elementary school children in Ithaca/USA (Novak, 2004, p. 458) and it is regarded by many researchers as a powerful learning and teaching technique. Based on Ausubel’s ideas of progressive differentiation and integrative reconciliation, two of the major advantages of its use can be stated as: 1. When engaging in the construction of concept maps, students think both on the content and on the form, and this exercise promotes the development of both sides of the brain, the creative and the analytical one; and 2. The organised visual representation of content helps in the transfer of knowledge from the short-term memory to the long-term memory, anchoring new concepts to previously acquired ones.
By using collaborative learning and concept mapping, it is possible to build up on previous knowledge and construct and create something new using information and ideas. These intellectual acts of processing and constructing meaning or of creating something new are crucial to learning. Students, absorbed in challenging tasks or questions, collaborate and bring many different perspectives to the classroom as well as different cultures, learning styles, experiences and aspirations. This mutual exploration, creation of meaning and feedback result in a better understanding by the student and in the creation of new meanings for all of us since, as teachers, we can no longer follow the “one-size-fits-all” approach. (SMITH & MacGREGOR, 1992, p. 2)
Therefore, in the light of the above, The Handbook of Research on Collaborative Learning using Concept Mapping aims at overcoming and going beyond models based on the accumulation and reproduction of knowledge. The publication of this book/handbook is thus justified by the need to present, and the possibility of presenting, innovative educational and learning models that meet current complex educational demands.
The Handbook of Research on Collaborative Learning using Concept Mapping will contribute with theoretical reflections and approaches on the use of Concept Maps in the collaborative-learning methodology in order to assist educators at different teaching levels and to foster professional discussion and progress in this new developing field. Each chapter will consist of 5,000 to 7,500 words and will report on research, studies, methodologies and approaches involving collaborative learning and concept mapping.
Recommended topics and chapter organization include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Theoretical Foundation
– The Fundamentals of Collaborative Learning
– The Fundamentals of Concept Maps
– From planning to assessment in the context of collaborative learning using concept maps
2. Practical Foundation
– Successful experiences of collaborative learning using concept maps.
– Interfaces for the construction of collaborative concept maps
Invited Submissions: Prospective authors are invited to submit a 2-3 page manuscript on their proposed chapter via e-mail on or before September 30, 2007. The proposal should be on previously unpublished work on the above-suggested topics or other related topics in the area of collaborative learning using concept mapping and should clearly explain the mission and concerns of your research. We strongly encourage other topics that have not been listed in our suggested list, particularly if the topic is related to the research area in which you have expertise. Upon acceptance of your proposal, you will have until January 30, 2008 to prepare your chapter of 5,000-7,500 words and 7-10 related terms and their appropriate definitions. Guidelines for preparing your paper and terms and definitions will be sent to you upon acceptance of your proposal.
Please forward your proposal including your name and affiliation on or before September 30, 2007. You will be notified about the status of your proposed chapter by January 30, 2008. The book is scheduled to be published by Idea Group, Inc., publisher of the Idea Group Publishing, Information Science Publishing, IRM Press, CyberTech Publishing and Idea Group Reference imprints, in 2008.
Please forward inquiries and submissions to both editors by e-mail to:
Dr. Patricia Lupion Torres
Head of E-Learning
Universidade Catolica do Parana (PUCPR)
Rita de Cassia Veiga Marriott MEd.
Language Teacher & E-Learning Researcher
University of Birmingham & Universidade Catolica do Parana (PUCPR)