Edited by Kenneth Burhanna, Kent State University Libraries
Call for chapter proposals: Deadline February 28th, 2011
Scope and Content
This book will highlight the role of libraries and librarians in the high school to college transition, as they work within and across several educational contexts, including schools, community colleges and universities to support student success. What model programs and collaborations are libraries forming? What is the role of information literacy standards and 21st century skills? How is technology furthering these efforts? How can these initiatives be assessed?
Proposed chapters can cover any program, collaboration or aspect of the book’s topic. The following list of potential topics, while not exhaustive, can be used as a guide:
� The role of 21st century learning and information literacy standards.
� What college professors expect incoming students to know
� Assessing high school to college transition efforts.
� Academic library outreach to high schools
� Community college collaborations
� Pre-service teacher initiatives
� The role of the public library in the high school to college transition
� Virtual school visits to college libraries
� Outreach to parents
� Post-secondary option students and the library
� Upward bound and the library
� Assessment tools
� State-wide or regional transition initiatives
� Professional library associations and the high school to college transition.
Target Audience
Librarians and library administrators across the educational continuum interested in finding new ways to support student success and furthering the missions of their institutions.
The Editor
The editor has worked on several high school to college initiatives and published and presented extensively on his scholarship in this area. Please refer to the bottom of this email for a brief listing of related publications and presentations.
Submission Procedures
Prospective authors are invited to submit a one-page summary of a proposed chapter on or before February 28th.
Please send chapter proposals as an email attachment (MS Word preferred) to kburhann@kent.edu.
Do Not Send Completed Chapters. Authors will be notified about the status of their proposals as soon as possible. Once the book is under contract, authors will be contacted regarding deadlines, format and style guidelines.
Kenneth J. Burhanna
Associate Professor
Head, Instructional Services
Kent State University Libraries