Since 2002, the office has sponsored the program to address critical gaps in the knowledge of diversity issues within library and information science. The application deadline is April 30, 2011. Applicants must be current ALA members.
The Diversity Research Grant consists of a one-time $2,000 award for original research and a $500 travel grant to attend and present at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference. A jury of ALA members will evaluate proposals and is encouraged to award a total of three awards. Grant recipients will be announced ahead of the 2011 ALA Annual Conference and will be expected to compile the results of their research into a presentation for the 2012 ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, Calif.
A complete proposal must include the following: a cover letter, a one-page vita for each of the researchers involved, a concise abstract of the project and a description of the project detailing the justification and needs for the research project, research objectives, expected outcomes and benefits, budget plan and timeline. For a complete list of the criteria on which proposals will be evaluated and to see examples of previously funded projects, please visit:
Persons submitting a proposal must be current ALA members. If you are not presently a member of ALA, but wish to submit a proposal, please visit for information on becoming a member. Applicants must supply membership ID numbers with proposals.
ALA‘s Office for Diversity offers thanks to the Diversity Research Grants Advisory Committee for their work in planning the 2011 Diversity Research Grants program: Veronica L.C. Stevenson-Moudamane (chair), Aimee Babcock-Ellis, Vickie E. Beene, Dr. Stanton F. Biddle, Eileen K. Bosch, Robert J. Bremer, Elizabeth Jean Brumfield, Nicole Lea Busch, Denyvetta Davis, Kim L. Eccles, Michael Gutierrez, Joyce E. Jelks, Raymond P. Schwartz, Susan Elizabeth Shepley, Kathryn Sigler and R. Niccole Westbrook.
Submissions should be sent by mail to the ALA Office for Diversity, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Electronic submissions are preferred and should be submitted in a Word document attachment. Email electronic submissions to
For more information, please email or call (800) 545-2433, ext. 5048.