ALA/AASL Educators of Library Media Specialists Section (ELMSS)

Deadline extended to July 15, 2011. The ALA/AASL Educators of Library Media Specialists Section (ELMSS) of the American Association of School Librarians invites submissions for papers to be reviewed through a blind, juried process. Selected papers will be presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the American Association of School Librarians to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota from October 27-30, 2011. Educational reform of instructional practice is on the cusp of restoring a balance between authentic teaching and assessment for accountability. The Common Core Standards movement and a new generation of assessments from the U.S. Department of Education will replace teaching to multiple choice tests that narrow curriculum content and constrain critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. Papers that are selected position school libraries in the context of educational reform that addresses issues such as, but not limited to, emerging adolescent literacy (grades 4-12); digital literacy; differentiation and intervention to address individual learning needs; collaboration for teaching and learning; critical thinking, innovation, and creativity; and learning content and competencies through inquiry. Papers should be original research that focuses on school library practice and related subjects, or school librarianship, and be within a 5,000 word limit using APA style. Research in progress that reports preliminary findings is accepted. Please submit papers in electronic form to Carol Gordon, Deadline for submission is July 15, 2011 at 11:59 EST. Papers for presentations will be accepted and evaluated on an on-going basis until the deadline. Authors of the selected papers will be contacted on August 1, 2011. 

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