ACRL Research Writer’s Consultations @ ALA Mid-Winter

Dallas, TX, January 20-24, 2012

The ACRL Research Program Committee (RPC) is once again sponsoring Research Writer’s Consultations at the ALA Mid-Winter Conference, held June January 20-24, 2012 in Dallas, TX.  Aimed at the new or inexperienced writer, the Research Writer’s Consultations will pair new or inexperienced writers with an experienced writer or editor, who will offer guidance and critique.



Are you an ACRL member working on a research article? Would you like some constructive feedback? Submit a draft research paper for consultation. RPC will match new writers with experienced writers and the pairs will meet face-to-face during the ACRL conference. Draft research papers must be submitted by January 9, 2011. Papers will be shared only among the designated pairs. Submission details follow:


Include on first page: Author’s name and contact information in upper left and a paragraph describing what you would like others to comment on about your paper (e.g., grammar, writing style, clarity, presentation of the research methodology).


Page limit:  25 double-spaced pages, standard 1″ margins


Preferred format:  Microsoft Word. Number pages. Footers should include author’s full name and e-mail.


Draft research papers should be in complete enough form for others to read easily.


Submit by January 9, 2011 to: Cheryl Middleton at



Are you an experienced, published writer or editor? Interested in providing guidance to your colleagues who may be writing their first research article? Submit your name and a description of your areas of expertise by June 14, 2011. Reviewers are expected to review papers submitted by the writer they have been paired with in advance of the ALA Annual Conference, as well as guide the writing consultation onsite during the conference. 


Please send your current contact information, a copy of your current resume or list of publications, and a brief description of your current research interests.


Submit by January 11, 2011 to: Cheryl Middleton at


MEET DURING ALA 2011 Annual Conference

The experienced writer/editor and the writer they have been paired with will correspond ahead of time to determine the best time to meet at the conference. 


Questions should be directed to Cheryl Middleton

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