Kappa Delta Pi’s Commission on Teacher Leadership has released the following Call for Chapter Proposals.
WORKING TITLE: Perspectives on Teacher Leadership
EDITOR: Dr. Nathan Bond Email:
PUBLISHER: Kappa Delta Pi Publications
SCOPE AND PURPOSE: By definition, teacher leaders are professionals who work as classroom teachers and want to remain in the classroom, possess specialized knowledge and skills, take the initiative, use their knowledge and skills to influence others, and focus ultimately on increasing student learning and building organizational capacity (Danielson 2006). Educational scholars and reformers believe that teacher leaders must play an active role in the efforts to increase student learning and improve schools. Teacher leaders are ideal contributors because they know their students, colleagues, and school context well. In addition, administrators acknowledge that they cannot single-handedly change schools; they need teacher leaders’ collective energy and efforts.
The purpose of this book is to examine teacher leadership from many perspectives in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the ways that teacher leaders foster positive change in their schools.
Foundational readings might include:
Barth, R.S. 2001. Teacher leader. Phi Delta Kappan 82(6): 443-49.
Beachum, F., and A. M. Dentith. 2004. Teacher leaders creating cultures of school renewal and transformation. The Educational Forum 68(3): 276-86.
Birky, V. D., M. Shelton, and S. Headley. 2006. An administrator’s challenge: Encouraging teachers to be leaders. NASSP Bulletin 90(2): 87-101.
Bowman, R. F. 2004. Teachers as leaders. The Clearing House 77(5): 187-89.
Danielson, C. 2006. Teacher leadership that strengthens professional practice. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Danielson, C. 2007. The many faces of leadership. Educational Leadership 65(1): 14-19.
Du, F. 2007. A case study of teacher leaders as group leaders: Implications for research and teacher education. The Teacher Educator 42(3): 185-208.
Katzenmeyer, M., and G. Moller. 2001. Awakening the sleeping giant: Helping teachers develop as leaders, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Kelehear, Z., and G. Davison. 2005. Teacher teams step up to leadership. Journal of Staff Development 26(3): 54-59.
Lambert, L. 2003. Leadership redefined: An evocative context for teacher leadership. School Leadership and Management 23(4): 421-30.
Lieberman, A., and L. D. Friedrich. 2010. How teachers become leaders: Learning from practice and research. New York: Teachers College Press.
Middlebrooks, G. H. 2004. Professionalism and teacher leadership preparation. Teacher Education and Practice 17(4): 432-50.
Muijs, D., and A. Harris. 2003. Teacher leadership–Improvement through empowerment? An overview of the literature. Educational Management and Administration 31(4): 437-48.
Wasley, P. A. 1991. Teachers who lead: The rhetoric of reform and the realities of practice. New York: Teachers College Press.
York-Barr, J., and K. Duke. 2004. What do we know about teacher leadership? Findings from two decades of scholarship. Review of Educational Research 74(3): 255-316.
1. Chapter Focus: Authors are asked to critically examine teacher leadership from one of the following perspectives:
School context: teacher leadership in urban, suburban, or rural schools; in small or large schools; in high-performing or low-performing schools; in public, private, or charter schools
Grade level: teacher leadership in elementary, middle, or high schools
Subject area: teacher leadership in English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, world languages, or enrichment subject areas
Roles: teacher leadership as classroom teacher, instructional coach, department chair, committee member, mentor, principal or assistant principal, superintendent, project coordinator, member of a professional learning community, teacher researcher, or university professor/instructor
Liaisons beyond the school: teacher leadership in parent-teacher organizations or professional organizations
Stage of a career: teacher leadership as novice, apprentice, professional, expert, distinguished, or emeritus teacher
Historically over time: teacher leadership in the past, present, or future
International: teacher leadership in other countries
2. Chapter Organization: Each chapter should include at least two parts: (a) information describing the unique perspective of teacher leadership; and (b) the impact of teacher leaders on their students, schools, community, and/or profession. Authors should strive to answer the following essential questions in their chapters:
In what context is the teacher leader serving?
What conditions fostered the development of teacher leaders in this area?
What are the teacher leader’s responsibilities?
What positive and negative forces are acting on the teacher leader in this position?
What theory and research supports teacher leadership in this area?
In what ways are teacher leaders positively affecting students, schools, community, and/or profession?
There are no restrictions on the type of chapter you may submit. We envision a book that includes a variety of chapters including, but not limited to, descriptive case studies, theoretical frameworks, and a diverse range of research studies written by PK-12 teachers and administrators as well as university-based instructors and researchers.
3. Proposal Submission: Authors interested in contributing to this book should submit a 500-word proposal to the editor (contact information above). When developing the proposal, please follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed. and submit your work electronically in Microsoft Word. Format the proposal as one document that includes a cover page, the manuscript proposal, and a reference section.
On the cover page, provide your name, title, current position, institution, work mailing address, phone number, e-mail address, and a short (3-4 sentences) biographical statement. A list of the author’s key publications is helpful but not necessary.
In the proposal, include a proposed title and outline for the chapter. The organizational structure for the manuscript, including key headings/subheadings, should clearly delineate the content of the chapter. While completed submissions are not needed, it should be clear that the work is underway and near completion. Within the proposal, cite 5-10 key texts that support the work. In keeping with the blind review process, please ensure that the author’s name does not appear in this section. The text of the proposal should not exceed 500 words.
A reference section should include texts cited within the proposal as well as any other texts the author feels will play an important role in the construction of the chapter.
4. Proposal Review: The chapter proposals will undergo a double-blind, peer-review process, with the editor and a small committee from Kappa Delta Pi making the final decisions. Criteria for acceptance include adherence to the goals of the book, quality of scholarship, and quality of writing.
5. Final Manuscripts: All manuscripts, including text, figures/tables, references, etc., should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins and should not exceed 20 double-spaced pages or 6,000 words. Submit final manuscripts electronically to the editor.
6. Timeline:
October 1, 2012 Chapter proposals due
December 1, 2012 Authors notified
June 1, 2013 Final manuscripts due
June 1, 2014 Book published
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the editor:
Dr. Nathan Bond is Immediate Past-President of Kappa Delta Pi and Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at Texas State University. He teaches graduate courses on teacher leadership and has authored several papers on teacher leadership in KDP journals.