– Call for Proposals
The Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Research Committee is holding its 9th Annual Research Poster Forum during the ALA Annual Conference in San
Francisco, California. The Research Forum and reception follows the
announcement and speech of the 2015 award winner for APA Excellence in
Librarianship, and will take place on the afternoon of Saturday June 27, 2015.
The Forum seeks to provide beginning and established researchers an opportunity to present research in progress, receive collaborative feedback on their work and recommendations for future publishing. Research / Posters will be simultaneously presented and discussed in small informal groups. Attendees at the forum will find an arena for discussion and networking with their
colleagues interested in research related issues and trends in the profession.
The committee will use a blind review process.
Proposals are due February 13, 2015.
Proposals will be evaluated based on the extent to which they:
1. Measure and/or investigate library and information aspects in the
fields of communication, psychology, social work and/or education.
2. Represent the current interests of the membership of EBSS.
3. Represent an original research project.
4. Show evidence of carefully planned research design and thoughtful
5. Clearly identify what stage of the project has been completed and
estimate a timeline for the remainder of the project.
Note: Research that has been previously published or accepted for publication
by December 1, 2014 will not be considered.
1. Format: Proposals should be 250-350 words, double spaced, 12 pt. font,
one inch margins.
2. The first page should include:
– Date of Submission
– Name of applicant(s) institution(s)
– Applicant address(es)
– Phone number(s)
– E-mail address(es)
– Title of the proposal
3. Subsequent page(s) should include:
– Title of the proposal
– Statement of the research question(s)
– Research goals and objectives
– Description of the methodology
– Discussion and/or conclusions
Please email submissions to Benjamin Andrus at bandrus@binghamton.edu by
Friday, February 13, 2015.