Monthly Archives: April 2015

SITE 2016 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education

SITE 2016 in Savannah, Georgia, March 21-25, is the 27th annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. This society represents individual teacher educators and affiliated organizations of teacher educators in all disciplines, who are interested in the creation and dissemination of knowledge about the use of information technology in teacher education and faculty/staff development. SITE is a society of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

SITE is unique as the only organization which has as its sole focus the integration of instructional technologies into teacher education programs. SITE promotes the development and dissemination of theoretical knowledge, conceptual research, and professional practice knowledge through conferences, books, projects, and the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE)Learn More »

SITE Conference PDFs

Proposals due Oct. 21, 2015

For more information go to

Case studies: information literacy programming for an academic library

Do you (or have you) designed information literacy programming for an academic library? We are seeking short case-studies (750-100 words) for an upcoming publication by ABC-CLIO/Libraries Unlimited, scheduled to be published in 2016. Case-studies will highlight the challenges and opportunities of information literacy programming in today’s complex academic environment.

Within the publication, case-studies will fit into one of six broad areas:
staffing, curriculum design, teaching / training, spaces, outreach &
collaboration, or assessment. Each case-study will serve to illustrate how the
particular challenge (staffing, curriculum design, etc…) appeared and was
addressed at a specific institution. Final submissions will include the
– Institutional background and context: 100-200 words
– Info about IL program: 100-200 words
– Explanation of how your institution tackled the lens: 300-500 words
– Lessons learned: 100-200 words
– (Optional) Additional materials/handouts

To submit a proposal, please complete the following form: Submissions will be accepted through May 22, 2015. Once notified, final case studies will be due September 4, 2015.

We encourage submissions from all types and sizes of academic libraries. From
community colleges to large research libraries, public to private, specialized
institution to land-grant university, we hope to highlight the breadth and
depth of our library experiences. We particularly encourage submissions from
those that have worked with first year programming, in ways both big and small.
Please note that case-studies do not necessarily have to have a “happy
ending.” We want to hear about your challenges and the process by which you
have worked through them, but we understand that sometimes the most valuable experiences are those that do not turn out as we expected!

Please feel free to get in touch with the authors, Cynthia Ippoliti
( or Rachel Gammons ( with

DLF Liberal Arts Colleges Preconference

The Digital Library Federation is hosting our inaugural DLF Liberal Arts Colleges Preconference on October 25th in Vancouver, BC, preceding this year’s DLF Forum

The one-day preconference will be an opportunity for those of us working with digital libraries/digital scholarship in liberal arts colleges to work closely together, in the spirit of the liberal arts seminar, to consider the issues and opportunities unique to us. We invite proposals for panels, presentations, or working sessions that foster conversation, connections, and provocation at the intersection of digital libraries and the liberal arts. How does your project or approach take advantage of the liberal arts environment, or respond to its limitations? How is your work informed by the values of a liberal arts college? What is the role of liberal arts college institutions in the digital library/digital scholarship world?

Session Types

  • Full Panel: Multiple presenters centered on a theme, in the format of your choice. (60 minutes)
  • Presentation: Single or multiple presenters, covering specific topics or case studies. (20 minutes)
  • Working session: An interactive session involving hands-on learning and collaboration. Single or multiple presenters. (30 minutes or 60 minutes)

Complete proposals should be submitted using the online submission form by 5:00 PM EST on June 22, 2015. Proposals must include a title, session type, information for each presenter (name, institution, and email), proposal description (maximum 300 words), and proposal abstract (maximum 100 words). You will hear about your proposal status by mid-August.

The 2015 DLF Liberal Arts Colleges Preconference will be held October 25 in Vancouver, BC, at the Pinnacle Vancouver Harbourfront Hotel. The 2015 DLF Forum will be held October 26–28, and the Forum call for proposals is also open until June 22.

Collaboration for Lifelong Learning: Innovative and Effective Approaches to Information Literacy

 Call for Proposals

2nd Annual LILi (Lifelong Information Literacy) Conference

Monday, August 3, 2015

9:00 am – 1:30 pm

Registration 9:00-9:30am

William H. Hannon Library

Loyola Marymount University

1 LMU Drive

Los Angeles, CA 90045

FREE Conference

Parking $10

Call for proposals now through Friday, May 1st

Notification of acceptance by May 25th

Can public libraries, school libraries, academic libraries, and special libraries collaborate to promote information literacy and lifelong learning?  Lifelong learning is not confined to childhood or the classroom, but takes place throughout a range of situations in life including the workplace.  How do libraries of all kinds best engage with their communities and make creative partnerships to meet the challenges?

What has worked for you and your colleagues in helping children / students / teachers and faculty / job-seekers / veterans / seniors and more when teaching lifelong learning?  How have you reached out to those in various library institutions to help each other with such efforts?  Share your innovations, experimental attempts, successes and failures.

Kathy Gould, Director of the Palos Verdes Library District, will be the keynote speaker at the second annual LILi conference.  Ms. Gould will address public library partnerships with schools and other community organizations, and how we work together to enhance both information literacy and lifelong learning.  A panel of librarians from other types of libraries will react to her talk with ideas for bringing academic, school, and special libraries into the mix.  The aim is to highlight a crucial area for cooperation and collaboration among different types of libraries toward a common goal: offering supportive, sequential information literacy instruction (ILI, including lifelong learning) for all levels and in all types of libraries.

The LILi (Lifelong Information Literacy) group invites you to submit proposals related to information literacy and collaboration for lifelong learning for 20-minute presentations and 10-minute lightning talks.  Proposals will be blind-reviewed, so please do not include identifying information in the text of your abstract.  Topic ideas include, but are not limited to:

  • Collaborative or creative ILI partnerships among academic, school, special, and public libraries
  • Collaborative or creative ILI partnerships between libraries and community organizations
  • Sequential ILI across two or more institutions or organizations
  • Collaborative or creative ILI partnerships between individuals in different types of libraries
  • ILI co-teaching
  • Marketing, publicity & promotion for collaborative ILI
  • Establishing innovative ILI connections
  • Outreach for ILI beyond a single institution or organization
  • Collaborative or cooperative ILI programming
  • Assessment of ILI partnership efforts
  • ILI and Common Core Standards and/or California State Standards
  • New, innovative ILI pedagogical approaches

Information Literacy lies at the core of lifelong learning.  It empowers people of all walks of life to seek, evaluate, use and create information effectively to achieve their personal, social, occupational and educational goals.  It is a basic human right in a digital world and promotes social inclusion of all nations.  – Alexandria Proclamation on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning

2nd Annual LILi Conference 2015

1st Annual LILi Conference 2014  


Elisa Acosta (Loyola Marymount University)

The Fourth International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development (ICeND2015)

September 21-23, 2015
Lodz University of Technology
Lodz, Poland
Important Dates
Paper due: Open from now until August 01, 2015
Author Notification:   September 2, 2015 or 4 weeks from the submission date
Camera-ready due and Registration:  September 13, 2015, however, it is recommended to do it few days before
Conference Date: September 21-23, 2015
Paper submission link:
The conference is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Poland Section.
All registered papers will be submitted to IEEE for inclusion to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to) research topics:
-Access Controls
-Ad hoc and Sensor Networks
-Assurance of Service
-Biometrics Technologies
-Cloud Computing
-Computational Intelligence
-Computer Crime Prevention and Detection
-Computer Forensics
-Computer Security
-Confidentiality Protection
-Critical Computing and Storage
-Critical Infrastructure Management
-Cryptography and Data Protection
-Data Compression
-Data Management in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks
-Data Mining
-Data Stream Processing in Mobile/Sensor Networks
-Distributed and Parallel Applications
-Electronic Auctions
-Electronic Payment Systems
-Embedded Systems and Software
-Forensics, Recognition Technologies and Applications
-Fuzzy and Neural Network Systems
-Green Computing
-Grid Computing
-High Speed Networks
-Image Processing
-Indexing and Query Processing for Moving Objects
-Information Content Security
-Information Ethics
-Information Propagation on Social Networks
-Information and Data Management
-Internet Modeling
-Internet and Web Applications
-Mobile & Broadband Wireless Internet
-Mobile Networking, Mobility and Nomadicity
-Mobile Networks & Wireless LAN
-Mobile Social Networks
-Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Management
-Multimedia Computing
-Multimedia Networking
-Network Security
-Peer-to-Peer Social Networks
-Quality of Service, Scalability and Performance
-Real-Time Systems
-Resource and Knowledge
-Discovery Using Social Networks
-Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems
-Semantic Web, Ontologies
-Sensor Networks and Social Sensing
-Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications
-Social Networks
-Social Search
-Soft Computing Techniques
-Ubiquitous Computing, Services and Applications
-User Interfaces and Usability Issues form Mobile Applications
-User Interfaces,Visualization and Modeling
-Web Services Architecture, Modeling and Design
-Web Services Security
-Wireless Communications
-Wireless Networks
-XML-Based Languages
Best registered papers will be published in one of the following special issues
provided that the author do major improvements and extension within the
time frame that will be set by the conference and his/her paper is
approved by the chief editor:
International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications (IJNCAA)
International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC)
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF)
International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media (IJEETDM)

Fourth International Conference on Future Generation Communication

University of Bedfordshire, Luton (near London) UK
July 29-31, 2015
(Technically co-sponsored by IEEE UK & RI)

In the last decade, a number of newer communication technologies have
been evolved, which have a significant impact on the technology, as a
whole. The impact ranges from incremental applications to dramatical
breakthrough in the society. Users rely heavily on broadcast
technology, social media, mobile devices, video games and other
innovations to enrich the learning and adoption process.

This conference is designed for teachers, administrators,
practitioners, researchers and scientists in the development arenas.
It aims to provide discussions and simulations in the communication
technology at the broad level and broadcasting technology and related
technologies at the micro level. Through a set of research papers,
using innovative and interactive approach, participants can expect to
share a set of research that will prepare them to apply new
technologies to their work in teaching, research and educational
development amid this rapidly evolving landscape.

Topics discussed in this platform are not limited to-

Emerging cellular and new network architectures for 5G
New antenna and RF technology for 5G wireless
Internet of Everything
Modulation algorithms
Circuits, software and systems for 5G
Convergence of multi-modes, multi-bands, multi-standards and multi-
applications in 5G systems
Cognitive radio and collaborative transmissions in 5G
Computing and processing platform for 5G
Programming models and development tools to enable 5G systems
Small cells and heterogeneous networks
Metrics and Evaluation of 5G systems
Standardization of 5G
Broadcost technology
Future Internet and networking architectures
Future mobile communications
Mobile Web Technology
Mobile TV and multimedia phones
Communication Security, Trust, Protocols and Applications
Communication Interfaces
Communication Modelling
Satellite and space communications
Communication software
Future Generation Communication Networks
Communication Network Security
Communication Data Grids
Collaborative Communication Technology
Intelligence for future communication systems
Forthcoming optical communication systems
Communication Technology for Elearning, Egovernment, Ebusiness
Games and games designing
Social technology devises, tools and applications
Crowdsourcing and Human Computation
Human-computer communication
Pervasive Computing
Grid, crowd sourcing and cloud computing
Hypermedia systems
Software and technologies for E-communication
Intelligent Systems for E-communication
Future Cloud for Communication
Future warehousing
Future communication for healthcare and medical devices applications
Future communication for Mechatronic applications

All presented papers in the conference will be published in the
proceedings of the conference and submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital
Library for inclusion.

The conference will have workshops on specific themes, industrial
presentation, invited talks and collaborative discussion forums.

Important Dates

Submission of Papers:        May 01, 2015
Notification of Acceptance:        June 10, 2015
Camera Ready:        July 10, 2015
Conference Dates:        July 29-31, 2015

The selected papers after extension and modification will be published
in many peer reviewed and indexed journals.

Journal of Computer and System Sciences/ (ISI/Scopus)
Journal of Digital Information Management (Scopus/EI)
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering
(Scopus and EI Indexed)
Decision Analytics
International Journal of Big Data Intelligence
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences (Scopus/EI)
International Journal of Management and Decision Making (Scopus/EI)
International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences
International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (Scopus/EI)

Programme Committee

General Chair

Ezendu Ariwa, University of Bedfordshire, UK

Programme Chairs

Carsten Maple, Warwick University, UK
Yong Yue, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Hathairat Ketmaneechairat, King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Thailand

Programme Co-Chairs

Koodichimma Ibe-Ariwa, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
Gloria Chukwudebe, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria

Submissions at:

The 19th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics

We would like to invite you to submit an article (abstract or draft paper) to any of the following six related special tracks which represent different methodologies, requirement and/or approaches to effectively Integrate *Research & Practice*. These Special Tracks are being organized in the context of The 19th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2015,, and The 9th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2015, which are collocated and to be held in Orlando, Florida, USA, on July 12-15, 2015.

•    Case Studies and Methodologies: stCSM 2015.
•    Action Research and Action Learning: ARAL 2015.
•    Interdisciplinary Research, Education, and Communication: IDREC 2015.
•    Integration of Research, Education, and Problem Solving: IREPS 2015.
•    Qualitative Research and Methodologies in Science and Engineering QRMSE 2015.
•    Research and Consulting: R&C 2015 (Research via consulting and consulting via research).
The special submission deadline (abstract or draft paper) for this CFP and just for the above events is *MAY 9, 2015*. The other deadlines and more details regarding each track (web sites, topics, etc), associated to this call for paper, are posted at the general CFP posted at
Submissions for face-to-face and virtual presentations are both accepted. Details about the following issues have also been included at the URLs given above:
•   Pre- and post-conference virtual session.
•   Virtual participation.
•   Two-tier reviewing combining double-blind and non-blind methods.
•   Access to reviewers’ comments and evaluation average.
•   Waiving the registration fee of effective invited session organizers.
•   Best papers awards.
•   Publication of best papers in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (JSCI), which indexed in EBSCO, Cabell, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), and Google Scholar and Listed in Cabell Directory of Publishing Opportunities and in Ulrich’s Periodical Directory. (All papers to be presented at the conference will be included in the conference printed and electronic proceedings).
Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups who might be interested in submitting contribution to the above mentioned collocated events. New information and deadlines are posted on the conference and the IIIS web site (especially at the URL provided above).

Best regards,

IRP 2015 Organizing Committee

If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please send an email to with REMOVE MLCONFERENCES in the subject line.
Address: C.C. El Placer II, Office 5, Caracas, Venezuela.

Code4Lib Journal Editorial Committee Members

The Code4Lib Journal ( is looking for volunteers to join its editorial committee. Editorial committee members work collaboratively to produce the quarterly Code4Lib Journal. Editors are expected to:
* Read, discuss, and vote on incoming proposals.
* Volunteer to be the assigned editor or second reader for specific proposals.
** Assigned editors work with the author(s) to make sure the article is as strong as possible, that the copy is clean, and deadlines are met. They also enter the article into WordPress, making sure the formatting is okay, all images and tables look good, etc.
** Second readers act as a second set of eyes for the assigned editor.
* Read and comment on any other article that interests you.
* Volunteer for administrative tasks and projects as they crop up.
* Take a turn as Coordinating Editor for an Issue. The Coordinating Editor shepherds the issue through its life cycle.
We seek an individual who is self-motivated, organized and able to meet deadlines; is familiar with ideas and trends in the field; and has an interest in the mechanics of writing. There is a sometimes significant time commitment involved; expect to set aside ten or more hours a month.
It sounds like a lot of work, but it’s also a lot of fun (if editing is your idea of fun).
Intrigued? Please send a letter of interest by Friday, May 1, 2015 to Your letter should address these two basic questions:
1) What is your vision for the Code4Lib Journal? Why are you interested in it?
2) How can you contribute to the Code4Lib Journal, i.e. what do you have to offer?
We encourage people who have previously applied and who are still interested to re-apply. We have had to turn down a lot of highly-qualified people in the past due to the large number of applications.
If you have any questions, contact us by email at or ask any member of the editorial committee (listed at We plan to make decisions about additional editors by mid May.

Today’s Librarian

Proposals for the Northeast Chapter of PaLA Spring Workshop, taking place on June 5th at the University of Scranton, are due Friday, April 17th. We hope that you will consider submitting a proposal for a session, whether you are part of the Northeast chapter or any chapter throughout our state!

Our theme this year is Today’s Librarian. We are seeking to showcase and explore the new and innovative ways in which librarians are meeting the challenges of 21st-century librarianship.

To be considered for a session, please submit the following form: by April 17th. 

Please contact Sylvia Orner at with questions or for more information.

LITA Guides

The LITA Division of ALA is looking for authors for its popular LITA Guide Series. Possible topics include:

  • Recruitment and retention of a diverse technical staff
  • Patron privacy and technology
  • Assessment
  • Linked data
  • Designing a curriculum to teach coding
  • User-centered design
  • Legislative IT policies and their effect on libraries.

While we welcome proposals on these topics, we are open to any ideas you may have or any area of technology you’d like to explore.

Please get in touch with me if you are interested in authoring one of these guides or have a proposal of your own. You may email me directly at Marta Deyrup