Northeast Chapter of PaLA: Library Wellness

The Northeast Chapter of PaLA is currently seeking proposals for our spring workshop on Tuesday, June 7th, 2016 at the University of Scranton. Our theme this year is Library Wellness. This workshop will serve as a “wellness check” to help libraries identify ways to better support and balance the many responsibilities and relationships of their librarians, staff members, patrons, and other stakeholders.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Interpersonal relationships (such as interacting/collaborating with coworkers, patrons, volunteers, community members, friends groups, board members, or other libraries/institutions)
  • Mental health (such as interacting with patrons with mental illness)
  • Financial health (such as library fundraising)
  • Time management (such as managing emails or productivity hacks)
  • Wellness programs in the library (such as yoga, meditation, or therapy dogs)

If you are interested in presenting on one of the above topics or another topic related to Library Wellness, then please consider submitting your proposal through the online Google Form:

Deadline for submission is Friday, April 1, 2016. We are seeking approximately six presenters for 60-minute breakout session presentations and approximately eight presenters for 7-minute Pecha Kucha presentations ( If you wish to be considered for both types of presentations, please indicate that on the form. All proposals received by April 1, 2016 will be reviewed by the Northeast Chapter’s Board. We look forward to receiving your proposal!


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