2017 Research Forum Call for Proposals (Posters OR Lightning talks)
The Women & Gender Studies Section will hold its 10th annual Research Forum during our General Membership Meeting at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago on Saturday, June 24, 2017, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. (The schedule is not finalized, this may change.) The forum seeks to provide an opportunity to present newly completed research or work in progress. Both beginning and established researchers are welcome to apply. Participants may receive collaborative feedback and recommendations for future publishing and/or new initiatives.
The potential scope of the topics includes, but is not limited to, teaching partnerships, critical information literacy initiatives, collection development, and scholarly communications. For research ideas, see the Research Agenda for Women and Gender Studies Librarianship.
Applicants chosen to present their work at the forum may choose to do so via EITHER a poster or a lightning talk (5 minutes). Tables for posters will be provided. There will not be any audiovisual equipment for those choosing to do lightning talks, so keep that in mind when choosing your format. If visuals are essential, the poster format would be better.
Presenters at the forum will find an arena for discussion and networking with their colleagues interested in related issues and trends in the profession.
The committee will use a blind peer review process.
Selection criteria:
Significance of the topic. Priority will be given to Women and Gender Studies Section members and/or women and gender studies topics.
Proposal submission instructions:
1. Proposals should include:
– Title of the proposal
– Proposal narrative (no more than 2 pages, double spaced)
– Name of applicant(s)
– Affiliation (s)
– Applicant Email address(es)
– Are you a member of the Women & Gender Studies Section?
– Format: Poster OR Lightning talk
2. Submission deadline: March 31, 2017
3. Proposals should be emailed to: Jennifer Gilley, Chair, Research Committee, WGSS (jrg15@psu.edu)
4. The chair will notify the applicants by April 28,2017